Learn English: BY or WITH?


I learn English by watching video. √

I learn English with watching video. ×


I write with a pen. √

I write by a pen. ×





  • by + verb-ing. (动词ing)

eg: I turn on the computer by pushing the on button,

  • by + noun (=person/place/thing/ an idea).

这时的by相当于以下这些例子:By = communication / trasportation / other exceptions

eg: I will contact you by email.

I will message you by text.

I will go by bus.


  • with + noun (=person/place/thing...)

这时的with相当于以下单词:With = body parts / tools / instrument

eg: Italians talk with their hands.

I point with my fingers.

I cleaned the floor with a mop.
