[一]、 介词后加v-ing的问题

1.介词 _____ (do) sth


也可能是being done, 这个与及物&不及物有关

2.by sb _____ (do) sth

 这个可能的答案很多

doing, to do 都可能;若后面有宾语sth, 则v-ed不可能

3.of ______ (do) sth1 and sth2

 很可能是

(a)正确词形;(b) V-ing

 综合1-4, 也就是要形成一个概念,介词后加



1. You’d better write the same sentence by ____ (make) use of many different words till you are satisfied _____ your sentence.

2. There are many ______ example; for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals and the students who enter key universities after years of ______ (prepare) and hard work, are all dream-holders.

3. All of them______(experience) increases and decreases in the size of ______(differ) parts of the brain.

4. The previous work was said to have been done by a man ______ (offer) to help the poor in the village a short while ago.

5. The previous work was said to have been done by a man who _____ (offer) money to help the poor in the village.

*6. The previous work was said to have been done by a man _____ (offer) 200 dollars, _____ had been aimed at helping another poor.

 We offered him 200 dollars

 He was offered 200 dollars

a man (who was) offered 200 dollars

 He offered 200 dollars (to Tom)

 a man who offered 200 dollars

a man offering 200 dollars

从这里可以看出。第6题居然填offering/ offered语法上都对,但填offered稍好,因为被动(V-ed)给人事情已经完成的感觉,在题中含义也较明了

[二]、 XXX1XX,______ XXX2XX (X1, X2均为动词)


总体要先判断空后句子成分完整与否;然后就是不缺的句子里,既可能填关系副词,也可能填连词;还有主语本身的完整性问题等等; 简单点说,which/who与what后句子动词的个数是不相同的。


1. When the young lady was walking the dog, _______ followed her was a young fellow then.

2. I find, the book written by Jack, which is nothing but rubbish.

3. I found, by accident, that the book was written by Jack was nothing but rubbish.

4. I found, by accident, that the book where he bought from Jack was nothing but rubbish.

5.They broke through two glass doors,____(run) to the museum’s top floor and grabbed the two paintings from different rooms,somehow ____(avoid) nearby guards.

6. I didn’t know much about John’s book, ___ book turned out to be of no use to me.

7. I didn’t know much about John’s book; in fact, ___ book turned out to be of no use to me.

8. We hope the sanitation (卫生环境) of cabs in the city will be improved through our no-smoking campaign,____ is a mutual benefit for ____ drivers and passengers.


those 可以是 相当于the; 是those people/things的缩合


1. If we don’t punish those ____ sell and kill frogs to make money, then one day all of us ____ (punish) by nature for failing to keep the balance of nature.

2. “Learn through use” is a good piece of ____ (advise) for those _____ are studying a new language.

3. Those ____ dreams become true have one thing in common, that is, _____ always hold fast to their dreams.

4. Those ____ (question) in the research said that people may not go to office in the future but will work at home instead.

5. There is a lady at my school _______ job is to hand out call slips (借书单) and prevent students from leaving campus _______ permission.


Key : who; will be punished

2解析:advice; who

3. 解析:句子中有have与become两个明确的动词,故可“挖出”从句:______ dreams become true

这里要考虑连接,故填whose; 另外,注意that is (to say) 是起着连接作用的插入语,第二空填they

4. 解析:句中的question容易被误解为名词而错填为questions. 其实这样填语法上也没错;但“问题”是去“答”的,只有findings/results才有资格去“说”(出研究的结果)的;更为合理的答案应填questioned

5. whose; without


总体there be后面肯定填名词,it 后主要是形容词,但也会有名词。there be句型多带地点状语,所带名词多是隐含、不太明显的事物;it is 后的名词多少显而易见的事物。There is a book. / It is a book单看都对,不要弄错。还要注意 be的各种复杂形式,如 would have been, used to be等等

1. I was not afraid of ____(catch) by the police, because there was obviously no cop anywhere around and ____ certainly would have been no danger in going ____ it.

2、Is ________a typewriter in the room?

3、 ________ must be something wrong.

4、________ there anyone around?

5、________ used to be a church round the corner.

6、It is reported that________ is going to be a storm.

7、There________ still a lot of work to be done before the house is ready for occupation.

8、There is a girl________ (wait) for the bus.

9、There________ a pine tree at the top of the hill.

A.stands B.lies C.livesD.has

10、______ will be a good film on at the Rex next week.

A.There B.It C.That D.This
