
• to go shopping

We went shopping for a gift at the mall. 我们去购物中心买件礼物。

Before you go shopping, think about if there is anything you really need.


都是购物,英语里 go shopping和do the shopping有区别吗?

• to do the shopping (侧重指去买的是我们生活中的必需品)

Few women really enjoy doing the shopping.


都是购物,英语里 go shopping和do the shopping有区别吗?

•to shop (in store or online)(shop做动词)

We don't usually shop at Walmart. 我们一般不去沃尔玛买东西。

都是购物,英语里 go shopping和do the shopping有区别吗?

• to do [a bit of, a lot of, some] shopping

都是购物,英语里 go shopping和do the shopping有区别吗?

• to do shopping 不是固定表达,但在句子可能出现。

I normally do shopping on Saturdays and gardening on Sundays.


注:澳洲人懒,经常把 to do the shopping 中的the省略。