

1. 下列哪个句子中,"the" 的使用是正确的?

   A. Do you know who invented computer?

   B. Do you know who involved the computer?

   C. Do you know who was the computer?

   D. Do you know who discovery the computer?

2. 以下哪句话正确地使用了定冠词来表示特定的人或事物?

   A. This is book you are looking for.

   B. Is this the book you are looking for?

   C. Is this book you are looking for?

   D. Is it a book you are looking for?

3. 哪个句子中的 "the" 表示上文已经提到的人或物?

   A. There is a chair in the room. An old man sit on chair.

   B. There is a chair in the room. An old man is sitting on the chair.

   C. There is a chair in the room. Old man is sitting on the chair.

   D. There is chair in the room. An old man is sitting on a chair.

4. 哪个句子中的 "the" 正确地表示独一无二的事物?

   A. Man study and use sun.

   B. Man is now studying and using sun.

   C. Man is now studying and using the sun.

   D. Man is now studies and uses the sun.

5. 以下哪个句子正确地使用了定冠词在比较级前?

   A. Which story is more interesting of two?

   B. Which story is the more interesting story of two?

   C. Which story is the more interesting of the two?

   D. Which story is more interesting story of the two?


6. 在 "______ more you practice, ______ better you will become." 这个句型中,填写适当的冠词。


7. 当我们谈论西洋乐器时,如钢琴,正确的表达是 "I'm learning to play ______ piano."

8. 如果我们要描述 "格林一家",我们会说 "______ Greens are having dinner."

9. 在表示集体名词如 "______ army" 或 "______ police" 时,我们通常使用定冠词。

10. 以下是一个正确的句子,请在空白处填入适当的冠词: "______ Earth is our only home in the universe."


11. 序数词前面总是使用定冠词 "the"。( )

12. "The poor" 在这里表示贫穷的人们,是一个名词化的形容词。( )

13. 定冠词 "the" 可以用在所有的物质名词前,如 "the water"。( )

14. 当我们谈论特定的姓氏复数形式,如 "Smiths",不需要使用定冠词。( )

15. "The" 不能用在一般形容词前,如 "the happy"。( )


16. 解释为什么在 "I have failed twice, but I'll try a third time." 这句话中,序数词 "third" 前使用不定冠词 "a" 而不是定冠词 "the"。

17. 描述一下 "the +比较级…,the+比较级…" 结构,并提供一个例句。




1. B

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. C


6. The, the

7. the

8. The

9. the, the

10. The


11. ×

12. √

13. ×

14. ×

15. ×


16. 在这个句子中,使用不定冠词 "a" 表示尝试次数的增加,意味着这将是又一次新的尝试,而不是特定的第三次尝试。

17. "The +比较级…,the+比较级…" 结构用来表示一种正比关系,即一个事物的程度增加,另一个事物也会相应地增加。例如:"The harder you work, the more progress you will make."(你工作越努力,进步就会越大。)