

1. 当你想告诉别人你要买一件外套时,你会说:

   A. I'll have this coat.

   B. I'll take this coat.

   C. I'll get this coat.

   D. I'll wear this coat.

   **答案:B. I'll take this coat.**

2. 下面哪个短语表示“吃药”?

   A. take some food

   B. take some medicine

   C. have some drink

   D. eat some fruit

   **答案:B. take some medicine**

3. 当你想要记录一些信息时,你会说:

   A. make notes

   B. take notes

   C. write down

   D. all of the above

   **答案:B. take notes**

4. 如果你告诉医生你需要测量体温,你会说:

   A. I need to take my temperature.

   B. I need to check my health.

   C. I want to see the doctor.

   D. I feel unwell.

   **答案:A. I need to take my temperature.**

5. 下列哪个句子使用了"It takes sb some time/money to do something"的结构?

   A. It cost me a fortune to buy a new car.

   B. I spent an hour doing homework.

   C. It takes me 30 minutes to walk to school.

   D. The trip will consume a lot of money.

   **答案:C. It takes me 30 minutes to walk to school.**


6. 当你走进房间太热,想要脱掉外套时,你会说:"Please, _________ my coat."

   A. take away

   B. take up

   C. take on

   D. take off

   **答案:D. take off**

7. 如果你帮助朋友带一本书到学校,你会说:"I’ll _________ the book to school for you."

   A. carry

   B. bring

   C. take

   D. fetch

   **答案:C. take**

8. 乘坐火车去重庆的表达是:"I'm going to _________ a train to Chongqing."

   A. catch

   B. ride

   C. take

   D. board

   **答案:C. take**


9. 用"It takes sb some time/money to do something"的结构造句。

   示例:It takes me two hours to finish reading a novel.

10. 用"take somebody / something to"的结构造句。

    示例:I will take my sister to the cinema this weekend.


11. 解释"take some food"和"take some medicine"的区别。

12. 描述一下在哪些情况下会使用"take off"这个短语,并给出两个例子。


9. 示例:It takes my brother 45 minutes to prepare for breakfast every morning.

10. 示例:I always take my dog to the nearby park for a walk in the evenings.

11. "Take some food"通常是指享用食物或吃东西的行为,而"take some medicine"则特指服药,即吃或喝药物以治疗疾病或保持健康。

12. "Take off"可以表示脱掉衣物或者离开一个地方。例如:

    - When it gets warmer, I'll take off my sweater.(天气变暖和时,我会脱掉毛衣。)

    - The plane will take off at 9 am sharp, so we need to be at the airport early.(飞机将在上午9点准时起飞,所以我们需要早点到达机场。)