

1. What does "turn to page 80" mean?

   A. 到第80页

   B. 翻到第80页

   C. 在第80页停下来

   D. 绕过第80页


2. Which of the following sentences correctly uses "turn"?

   A. It's your turns to speak.

   B. It's your turn to speak.

   C. It's your turns speaking.

   D. It's your turn speak.


3. In which context would you use "at the turning"?

   A. At the end of the road

   B. At the top of the stairs

   C. At a decision point

   D. At a place where the road changes direction


4. How do you express "打开电视" using "turn"?

   A. Turn on the TV

   B. Turn off the TV

   C. Turn up the TV

   D. Turn down the TV


5. What does "turn right at the first turning" mean?

   A. 在第一个交叉口左转

   B. 在第一个转弯处右转

   C. 在第一个路口直行

   D. 在第一个弯道停下



6. When you want to request someone to stop talking, you might say, "Please _______ the volume down."

   Answer: _turn_

7. To indicate that someone should move towards the right side of a path, you could say, "_______ right after the park."

   Answer: _Turn_

8. If you're reading a book and need to locate a specific chapter, you would likely say, "_______ to chapter 5, please."

   Answer: _Turn to_

9. In a game, when it's someone's opportunity to perform an action, you might say, "Now, it's _______."

   Answer: _your turn_

10. While giving directions, if you want someone to take a left turn, you'd say, "_______ left at the traffic lights."

    Answer: _Turn_


Read the following paragraph and correct any errors in the usage of "turn":

Tom always turns his TV up too loud, so his neighbors get annoyed. One day, they decided to turn to him and ask politely to turn it down. Tom agreed and now he turns the volume off when he's not watching. Yesterday, while walking to the park, he missed his turning and had to walk all the way back.

**Corrected Paragraph:**

Tom always turns up his TV too loud, so his neighbors get annoyed. One day, they decided to turn to him and ask politely to turn it down. Tom agreed and now he turns the volume down when he's not watching. Yesterday, while walking to the park, he missed his turning and had to walk all the way back.



11. Explain the difference between "turn on" and "turn off".

    Answer: "Turn on" means to activate or start something, while "turn off" means to deactivate or stop something.

12. In what situations would you use "It's your turn"?

    Answer: You would use "It's your turn" when indicating that it is someone's opportunity to do something, such as speaking, playing a game, or performing an action in a sequence.

13. Describe the meaning of "at the turning" in a geographical context.

    Answer: "At the turning" refers to a location where a road or path changes direction, typically indicating a bend or a junction.



14. Translate "Turn left at the second crossing" into Chinese.

    Answer: 在第二个十字路口左转

15. Translate "It's your turn to present your project" into Chinese.

    Answer: 轮到你展示你的项目了