

1. 选择题:下面哪个句子中的by表示“不迟于”或“到……时为止”?

   A) The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail.

   B) Your son will be all right by supper time.

   C) English is spoken by many people.

   D) He taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph.


2. 完成句子:By the end of last term, we ___________ (learn) fifty English songs.


   **答案:had learned**

3. 翻译题:请将下列句子翻译成英文:“他们经常通过邮件保持联系。”


   **答案:They often kept in touch by email.**

4. 选择题:下面哪个句子中的by表示“被”或“由”?

   A) The boy's father was thankful.

   B) Edison was taught by the boy's father.

   C) Some are drawing by the lake.

   D) The train arrives at the station by 8 AM.



1. 完成句子:_______ is an effective way to improve your listening skills.


   **答案:Listening to English podcasts**

2. 翻译题:她以画画为生。


   **答案:She earns her living by painting.**

3. 选择题:下面哪个短语是动名词作定语的例子?

   A) a running man

   B) I love swimming

   C) Cooking is fun

   D) She enjoys reading books


4. 判断题:在句子“Fighting broke out between the South and the North.”中,fighting是动名词作主语。


**三、used to 的用法**

1. 完成句子:他过去常常在公园里踢足球,但现在他更喜欢打篮球。

   Before, he _________ play football in the park, but now he prefers playing basketball.

   **答案:used to**

2. 选择题:下面哪个是used to的否定句?

   A) He used not to like coffee.

   B) He didn't use to like coffee.

   C) He doesn't use to like coffee.

   D) He didn't used to like coffee.


3. 翻译题:你以前住在哪里?


   **答案:Where did you use to live?**

4. 反意疑问句:他过去常常抽烟,不是吗?

   ——He used to smoke, _________?


   **答案:didn't he?**


1. 介词by在“Your son will be all right by supper time.”中表示“不迟于”,因此正确答案是B。

2. 在过去的时间点(last term)完成的动作,应使用过去完成时,所以答案是had learned。

3. “他们经常通过邮件保持联系。”的英文翻译为“They often kept in touch by email.”。

4. 在“Edison was taught by the boy's father.”中,by表示“被”或“由”,因此正确答案是B。

5. 动名词作定语的例子是"a running man",表示“正在跑的人”,所以正确答案是A。

6. 判断题正确,因为“Fighting”在此句中是动名词作主语,表示“战斗”这一行为。

7. used to的否定句结构是“didn't use to”,所以正确答案是B。

8. “你以前住在哪里?”的英文翻译为“Where did you use to live?”。

9. 反意疑问句的正确形式是“He used to smoke, didn't he?”。