### 英语短语动词及习语应用测试


1. The building was so old that it had to be **pulled down**.

   A. 推倒

   B. 推倒并重建

   C. 拉起

   D. 拉倒并重建

2. She was always **putting down** her thoughts in a notebook.

   A. 写下

   B. 放下

   C. 推迟

   D. 举起

3. The meeting has been **put off** until next week.

   A. 延期

   B. 推迟

   C. 记下

   D. 举起

4. The play will be **put on** at the local theater tonight.

   A. 穿

   B. 戴上

   C. 上演

   D. 挂起

5. The firefighters managed to **put out** the fire in the building.

   A. 伸出

   B. 扑灭

   C. 延期

   D. 推迟

6. He **put up** his hand to ask a question.

   A. 举起

   B. 挂起

   C. 穿上

   D. 推迟

7. You can **rely on** me to help you with your homework.

   A. 依靠

   B. 推迟

   C. 记下

   D. 举起

8. We'll discuss this matter **right now**.

   A. 立刻

   B. 马上

   C. 稍后

   D. 之后

9. I need to **ring up** my friend to confirm the meeting.

   A. 打手机给

   B. 拉起

   C. 挂起

   D. 推迟

10. The police are trying to **run after** the suspect.

    A. 追捕

    B. 追踪

    C. 拉起

    D. 推迟


11. The company has completely **sold out** of the new product.

    A. 售完

    B. 售出

    C. 拉起

    D. 推迟

12. We **ran out of** water during the hike and had to return.

    A. 用完

    B. 用完了

    C. 拉起

    D. 推迟

13. The doctor's quick actions helped to **save his life**.

    A. 挽救某人生命

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完

14. The police **searched for** the missing child all night.

    A. 搜寻

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完

15. They **saw him off** at the airport when he left for his trip.

    A. 为……送行

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完

16. The company **sent for** a specialist to fix the problem.

    A. 派人去叫

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完


    D. 售完

18. The prisoner was finally **set free** after ten years.

    A. 释放

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完

19. The volcano **set off** a series of earthquakes.

    A. 动身

    B. 启程

    C. 使爆发

    D. 售完

20. They **set out** on their journey early in the morning.

    A. 出发

    B. 拉起

    C. 推迟

    D. 售完


21. He decided to speed down his car to avoid a ticket.

    A. speed down

    B. car

    C. avoid

    D. ticket

22. She spent a lot of time on shopping for her vacation.

    A. spent

    B. time

    C. shopping

    D. vacation

23. The symbol stands in for peace and unity.

    A. stands in

    B. symbol

    C. peace

    D. unity

24. He stopped to smoking when he got married.

    A. stopped

    B. to smoking

    C. when

    D. got married

25. She was so tired that she fell asleep during the meeting.

    A. so tired

    B. that

    C. fell asleep

    D. during

26. The new policy will take away our freedom of speech.

    A. take away

    B. our

    C. freedom

    D. speech

27. I took it easy before the exam to reduce my stress.

    A. took it easy

    B. before

    C. exam

    D. reduce

28. The rocket successfully took off and reached space.

    A. took off

    B. and

    C. reached

    D. space

29. He took his time to finish the project without rushing.

    A. took his time

    B. to finish

    C. project

    D. rushing

30. The event will take place at the city hall next week.

    A. take place

    B. at

    C. city hall

    D. next week


31. 成千上万的游客参观了这座城市。

    A. Thousands of tourists visited the city.

    B. Tourists visited the city in thousands.

    C. The city was visited by thousands of tourists.

    D. The tourists visited the city in thousands.

32. 我们前天讨论了这个问题。

    A. We discussed this issue the day before yesterday.

    B. The issue was discussed the day before yesterday.

    C. This issue was discussed two days ago.

    D. Two days ago, we discussed this issue.



1-10: A A B C B A A B A A


11-20: A A A A B A A A A A


21: A (应为 "speed up")

22: C (应为 "on shopping")

23: A (应为 "stands for")

24: B (应为 "stopped smoking")

25: D (应为 "so tired that she")

26: A (应为 "took away")

27: A (应为 "take it easy")

28: A (应为 "took off")

29: D (应为 "without rushing")

30: A (应为 "take place")


31: C

32: B