

1. When you think someone is not important, you might say you __________ them.

A. look down upon

B. look at

C. look for

D. look forward to

2. You're trying to find your lost keys; what are you doing?

A. looking down upon

B. looking at

C. looking for

D. looking out of

3. You're excited about an upcoming event; how would you express your anticipation?

A. I look forward to it happening.

B. I look like I'm eager.

C. I make a face.

D. I lose my way.

4. Your friend is making a joke at your expense; they are likely __________ you.

A. making a film about

B. making a fire

C. making a mistake

D. making fun of

5. If you can't recognize someone, you might say, "I can't __________ him."

A. look like

B. look out of

C. look up

D. make out


1. To earn a living, many people have to __________ (make a living).

2. The dictionary helps us __________ (look up) unfamiliar words.

3. When you finish your homework, don't forget to __________ (make your bed).

4. She exercises regularly to __________ (lose weight).

5. The concert was such a success that everyone is __________ (looking forward to) the next one.


Yesterday, I went to the park and saw a boy __________ (make a face) at his sister. They were both sitting __________ (next to) the pond, watching the ducks. Suddenly, the boy __________ (lost his way), but his sister helped him find their way back. It was a good lesson on the importance of __________ (not losing one's way).


A. meet the needs of B. not so...as C. on the right D. once every four years E. neither...nor...

1. A sport that happens __________, like the Olympic Games.

2. Your new product should __________ your target audience.

3. This street is __________ the library.

4. This book isn't as interesting __________ that one.

5. My friend eats meat __________ vegetables.


1. 我期待着明天的旅行。

2. 他不仅会画画,而且还会弹钢琴。

3. 他们不再像以前那样经常联系了。

4. 她靠教书谋生。

5. 有时候,我喜欢独自在沙滩上散步。


请以"Making Progress in Life"为主题,描述一个你在生活中取得进步的例子,并解释这个过程如何帮助你成长。




1. A. look down upon

2. C. looking for

3. A. I look forward to it happening.

4. D. making fun of

5. D. make out


1. make a living

2. look up

3. make your bed

4. lose weight

5. looking forward to


1. making a face

2. next to

3. lost his way

4. not losing one's way


1. D. once every four years

2. A. meet the needs of

3. C. on the right

4. B. not so...as

5. E. neither...nor...


1. I am looking forward to the trip tomorrow.

2. He can not only draw, but also play the piano.

3. They no longer contact each other as often as before.

4. She makes a living by teaching.

5. Sometimes, I enjoy walking alone on the beach.