

1. 当你描述某物或某人处于危险状态时,你会使用哪个短语?

   A. in English

   B. in danger

   C. in hospital

   D. in one's fifties

答案:B. in danger

2. 描述一个人在医院接受治疗,应使用:

   A. in front of

   B. in line

   C. in hospital

   D. in no time

答案:C. in hospital

3. 表示“实际上”或“事实上”,应该使用:

   A. in fact

   B. in public

   C. in the end

   D. in the years to come

答案:A. in fact

4. 如果你想表达“立刻”或“马上”,你会说:

   A. in order

   B. in no time

   C. in the future

   D. in return

答案:B. in no time

5. 描述某人在五十多岁,应使用:

   A. in his fifties

   B. in her opinion

   C. in the middle of

   D. in line

答案:A. in his fifties


6. 成功的关键是_______计划和执行。(in order to)

   答案:in order to

7. 他惊讶地看着我说:“你真的做到了!”(in surprise)

   答案:in surprise

8. 我们应该在公共场合尊重他人。(in public)

   答案:in public

9. 保持健康的生活方式包括定期锻炼和均衡饮食。(keep fit)

   答案:keep fit

10. 请保持安静,会议即将开始。(keep quiet)

    答案:keep quiet


11. 换句话说,我不赞同你的观点。(in other words)

    答案:In other words, I don't agree with your opinion.

12. 他们在餐厅前排成一排等待入场。(in front of, line up)

    答案:They lined up in front of the restaurant waiting to get in.

13. 我们必须及时完成这项任务,否则会有严重后果。(in time, otherwise)

    答案:We must finish the task in time, otherwise there will be serious consequences.

14. 他向老师学习如何写一篇优秀的论文。(learn…from)

    答案:He learned how to write an excellent essay from his teacher.

15. 玛丽昨天下午离开了中学,现在正在上大学。(leave (secondary) school)

    答案:Mary left secondary school yesterday afternoon and is now attending university.


16. 解释短语“in trouble”的含义,并给出一个例句。

    答案:“In trouble”表示处于困境或遇到问题。例句:When he lost his job, he found himself in trouble financially.

17. 描述一个场景,其中“keep sb busy”这个短语可以适用。

    答案:在繁忙的餐厅里,厨师们不停地准备食物,以满足络绎不绝的顾客需求,这使得他们整晚都忙个不停(keeping them busy all night)。

18. 写出一个句子,使用“knock over”短语并解释其含义。

    答案:He accidentally knocked over the vase while walking past it, causing it to break. “Knock over”意味着撞倒或撞翻某物。

19. 请用“later on”造一个句子。

    答案:After finishing my homework, I'll relax for a while, and later on, I'll meet my friends for dinner.

20. 用“leave a message”造句,并解释其含义。

    答案:Since she wasn't home, I left a message on her answering machine asking her to call me back. “Leave a message”指的是留下口信或信息让别人知道。


请以“Keep Fit in the Years to Come”为主题,写一篇不少于100词的小短文,至少包含5个以上提供的短语或表达。



标题:Keep Fit in the Years to Come

In the years to come, maintaining good health will become increasingly important. In order to live a long and fulfilling life, we need to keep fit. Regular exercise, such as jogging in the morning or joining in group fitness classes, can help us stay in shape. Eating a balanced diet, like living on fresh fruits and vegetables, is also crucial. Instead of consuming unhealthy snacks, we should opt for healthier alternatives. Keep doing these habits consistently, and you'll see improvements in your overall well-being. Remember, keeping fit isn't just about appearance; it's about ensuring we're in top condition to enjoy life in the future. So, let's start making healthy choices right now!