
**I. 选择题(每题2分,共50分)**

1. 当你想要表达“回家”的时候,你应该怎么说?

   A. Go home

   B. Go in for

   C. Go on

   D. Go out

2. 如果你对某事非常热爱,你会怎么说?

   A. Go in for it

   B. Go on a diet

   C. Go on a picnic

   D. Go to bed

3. “继续做某事”应该用哪个短语?

   A. Go on

   B. Go on with / doing sth

   C. Go out

   D. Go to school

4. 想表达“熄灭”的意思,你会选择哪个短语?

   A. Go home

   B. Go out

   C. Go up

   D. Go wrong

5. “去医院看病”用英语怎么说?

   A. Go to (the) hospital

   B. Go to bed

   C. Go to college

   D. Go sightseeing

6. “去野餐”对应的短语是?

   A. Go on a picnic

   B. Go on a diet

   C. Go to school

   D. Go to the cinema / movie(s)

7. “上大学”如何表达?

   A. Go to college

   B. Go to bed

   C. Go to school

   D. Go on a diet

8. “仔细检查或复习”用哪个短语?

   A. Go over

   B. Go up

   C. Go wrong

   D. Go in for

9. “进行体育活动”对应的短语是?

   A. Have sports

   B. Have a good time

   C. Have breakfast

   D. Have no idea

10. “收到某人的来信”怎么说?

    A. Hear from

    B. Hear of

    C. Help oneself to

    D. Hold a meeting

**II. 完成句子(每题3分,共30分)**

11. 我们明天______去野餐,记得带上食物和饮料。

   A. go in for

   B. go on a picnic

   C. go on a diet

   D. go to bed

12. 我必须______,因为我晚上有一个重要的会议。

   A. hurry off

   B. hurry up

   C. in a hurry

   D. in a minute

13. 他______了大量工作,因此得到了晋升。

   A. did huge amounts of

   B. heard from hundreds of

   C. grew up

   D. went wrong

14. 你______学习,考试前复习总是很重要的。

   A. had better

   B. have got to

   C. help yourself to

   D. happen to do

15. 我______这个周末去观光,想看看这座城市的所有名胜。

   A. go sightseeing

   B. go to the hospital

   C. go to bed

   D. go on a diet

**III. 翻译(每题5分,共10分)**

16. 他碰巧在街上遇到了他的老朋友。

   A. He happened to meet his old friend on the street.

   B. He happened to do seeing his old friend on the street.

   C. He happened to have a good time with his old friend on the street.

   D. He had better meet his old friend on the street.

17. 请随便吃点蛋糕,不用客气。

   A. Please hold your breath and eat the cake.

   B. Help yourself to some cake, please.

   C. Have no idea about the cake.

   D. In a word, eat the cake.


**I. 选择题**

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. A

**II. 完成句子**

11. B

12. B

13. A

14. B

15. A

**III. 翻译**

16. A

17. B