

1. 当你想要表达“我想要吃冰淇淋”时,你应该说:

   A. I feel like eating ice cream.

   B. I eat up the ice cream.

   C. I dress up for ice cream.

   D. I get along with ice cream.

2. 以下哪个短语表示“报名参加比赛”?

   A. enter for

   B. get in the way

   C. fall off

   D. each other

3. “即使下雨,我也要去公园。”用正确的短语表达是:

   A. Even if it rains, I’ll go to the park.

   B. Thought it rains, I’ll go to the park.

   C. Either it rains or not, I’ll go to the park.

   D. For the first time, I’ll go to the park.

4. “他总是穿着正式的衣服去工作。”应翻译为:

   A. He always dresses up for work.

   B. He eats up his work every day.

   C. He earns his life formally.

   D. He gets tired of dressing up.

5. “我们彼此都很喜欢对方。”对应的短语是:

   A. We enjoy ourselves very much.

   B. We like each other very much.

   C. We get along well forever.

   D. We fill in our love with happiness.


6. 当你告诉别人你不再对某事感兴趣时,你会说:“I _______ getting tired of it.”


7. 表示“从现在开始”的短语是“_______”。

   答案:from now on

8. “The competition is open to all, so you can _______ if you want to.”

   答案:enter for

9. 你要表达“他从自行车上摔下来了”,应该说:“He _______ his bike.”

   答案:fell off

10. 当你向朋友表示愿意帮忙时,可以说:“Let me _______ you a hand.”



11. (A) far away (from)     ( ) - 遥远的

12. (B) earn one’s life      ( ) - 谋生

13. (C) either… or…        ( ) - 或者……或者……

14. (D) get on with         ( ) - 与……相处

15. (E) give up             ( ) - 放弃


11. (A) - (2)

12. (B) - (5)

13. (C) - (7)

14. (D) - (35)

15. (E) - (45)


16. 尽管他很累,但他还是决定去散步。

   答案:Thought he was tired, he decided to go for a walk.

17. 我们需要填写这份申请表。

   答案:We need to fill in this application form.

18. 他们每天都会从一家店到另一家店推销产品。

   答案:They promote their products from door to door every day.

19. 他们每年都会相聚一次,回忆过去的美好时光。

   答案:They get together once a year to reminisce about the good old days.

20. 他成功地摆脱了困扰他的问题。

   答案:He successfully got rid of the problem that bothered him.





生活充满了挑战,比如每天早晨,我需要get up迎接新的一天。尽管有时会get tired of日常工作,但我始终earn my life,努力工作。周末,我会go for a walk,享受大自然,以此来get rid of压力。偶尔,我会dream of更轻松的生活,但我知道even if梦想遥不可及,我仍需坚持。有时,我会报名参加一些活动,如enter for马拉松,挑战自我。在困难面前,朋友们总会give me a hand,我们一起get through难关。生活就是这样,既有艰难也有快乐,我们需要学会enjoy ourselves,即使在最艰难的时刻。