

1. You're running late for the meeting, what should you do?

A. Be late for the meeting  

B. Be located in the office  

C. Be made of excuses  

D. Be ready for the delay

Answer: A. Be late for the meeting

2. The Great Wall is _______ China.

A. Located on  

B. Made up of stones  

C. Proud of  

D. Belonged to

Answer: A. Located on

3. My new dress is ______ silk.

A. Made of  

B. Made up of  

C. Surprised at  

D. Used to wearing

Answer: A. Made of

4. The movie _______ last night.

A. Was on  

B. Was pleased with  

C. Was broke into  

D. Was got used to

Answer: A. Was on

5. I'm very _______ your help.

A. Thankful to  

B. Worried about  

C. Serious about  

D. Surprised at

Answer: A. Thankful to


6. The Eiffel Tower _____ (be located in/on/at) Paris, France.

Answer: is located in

7. The bed was _____ (be made of/made up of) solid wood.

Answer: made of

8. After weeks of practice, I finally _____ (get/ am getting) used to playing the piano.

Answer: am getting used to

9. She _____ (be surprised at/ be worried about) the unexpected news.

Answer: was surprised at

10. The old man _____ (be/get ready for) his daily walk in the park.

Answer: was ready for


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrases.

Yesterday, I _____ (catch a cold) and had to stay home. While resting, I decided to read a book that _____ (come out) last month. As I was reading, I _____ (came across) a character who reminded me of my childhood friend. It was then that I realized how much I _____ (miss) those days. So, I _____ (decided to change my mind) and called her up. We talked for hours, _____ (communicate with) each other about our lives. It felt like we _____ (came to life) again.


1. caught a cold

2. came out

3. came across

4. missed

5. decided to change my mind

6. communicated with

7. came to life


Write "Correct" if the sentence is grammatically correct or provide the corrected sentence if it is not.

1. They are pleased with the result of the experiment.

Answer: Correct

2. The chair is made up by wood.

Answer: The chair is made of wood.

3. The movie break into the cinema last week, causing chaos.

Answer: The movie was screened at the cinema last week, causing chaos.

4. He come to know the truth after years of searching.

Answer: He has come to know the truth after years of searching.

5. The fire broke out due the careless smoking.

Answer: The fire broke out because of careless smoking.


6. What does "be thankful to sb" mean?

Answer: To feel grateful towards someone for their help or kindness.

7. How do you express being born in a specific place?

Answer: You can say "I come from [place name]" or "I was born in [place name]".

8. Explain the phrase "cover an area of".

Answer: It means to occupy or extend over a particular expanse of land or surface.

9. What does "catch up with" mean in a competitive context?

Answer: In a competitive context, it means to reach the same level or standard as someone else or to surpass them.

10. What is the meaning of "compare with"?

Answer: To examine two or more things to determine similarities or differences.


11. Translate "break into" into Chinese.

Answer: 闯入, 破门而入

12. Translate "be serious about" into Chinese.

Answer: 为……而担心, 认真对待

13. Translate "be/get used to + v-ing" into Chinese.

Answer: 习惯于

14. Translate "belong to" into Chinese.

Answer: 属于

15. Translate "come true" into Chinese.

Answer: 实现