

1. 如果你想表达“有一点儿”,你应该使用:

   A. a bit

   B. a few

   C. a little

   D. a group of


2. 当你提到“一些人”时,你可能会说:

   A. a kind of people

   B. a number of people

   C. a pair of people

   D. a lot of people


3. “一双鞋”用英语怎么说?

   A. a bit of shoes

   B. a few shoes

   C. a little shoes

   D. a pair of shoes


4. 表示“同意某人的观点”,你会用:

   A. agree with sb

   B. agree to sb

   C. agree on sb

   D. agree about sb


5. “反复地”对应的短语是:

   A. again and again

   B. all over

   C. all the time

   D. at once



6. 当你想要表示“在放学后”,你应该说:___________.


**答案:after school**

7. 你向别人道歉时,可以说:“I ___________ you for my mistake.”


**答案:apologize to**

8. 表示“一路上”或“始终”,你会使用短语:___________.

**答案:all the way**

9. 如果一个事物对健康有害,你可以描述它:“It's ___________ for your health.”



10. 你可以说“我很忙,一直在工作”,英文是:“I'm very busy, I'm ___________.”


**答案:at work**


11. 把“一直都在学习”翻译成英文。


**答案:I am studying all the time.**

12. 翻译“许多书”。


**答案:a lot of books**

13. “在早餐时”用英语怎么说?


**答案:at breakfast**

14. “尽管如此”对应的短语是:___________.


**答案:after all**

15. “爱好音乐”用英语表达是:___________.


**答案:be fond of music**


16. 请用“be able to”构造一个句子,表示某人能够做某事。


**答案:She is able to speak three languages fluently.**

17. 描述一个地方被花覆盖的情景,使用“be covered with”。

**答案:The garden is covered with colorful flowers in spring.**

18. 用“be interested in”造句,表达对科学的兴趣。

**答案:He is deeply interested in science, especially astronomy.**

19. 用“be famous for”描述一个名人的特点或成就。

**答案:Leonardo da Vinci is famous for his masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.**

20. 写一个表示“害怕黑夜”的句子,使用“be afraid of”。

**答案:The little girl is afraid of the dark and always sleeps with a night light.**