

1. 当你需要保护某人免受攻击时,你会说:

   A) Defend against sb  

   B) Intruduce sb to sb  

   C) Kiss sb on somepart  

   D) Reach one's hand out to sth 

2. 在求职会上,你向朋友介绍新认识的招聘官,你会说:

   A) In defence  

   B) Together with  

   C) Introduce sb to sb  

   D) Be likely to

3. 如果你看到朋友在紧张,你可能会:

   A) Nod at sb  

   B) Greet sb with/by  

   C) Express one's feelings  

   D) Be nervous about

4. 通常,人们在表达他们的喜悦或悲伤时会:

   A) In general  

   B) At a job fair  

   C) Lose face  

   D) Turn one's back to

5. 当你不愿意面对困难时,你可能会:

   A) Turn one's head away  

   B) Be willing to  

   C) Look upset about sth  

   D) At ease

6. 如果你对某事感到不安,你的表情可能会:

   A) In defence  

   B) On the contrary  

   C) Be likely to  

   D) Look upset about sth

7. 当你愿意帮助别人时,你会说:

   A) Turn one's back to  

   B) Be willing to  

   C) Reach one's hand out to sth  

   D) Kiss sb on somepart

8. 表达尊重或同意时,你可能会:

   A) Nod at sb  

   B) Lose face  

   C) Turn one's head away  

   D) Express one's feelings

9. 你在求职会上表现得自在,可以说明你:

   A) Are nervous about  

   B) At a job fair  

   C) Are at ease  

   D) Lose face

10. 为了避免尴尬,你不想让别人看到你的表情,你会:

    A) Turn one's back to  

    B) Reach one's hand out to sth  

    C) In defence  

    D) Turn one's head away


1. 当你想要安慰一个沮丧的朋友时,你可以______他们,表示支持。

   答案:Reach one's hand out to

2. 在求职会上,你应该准备好自己,因为可能会遇到很多竞争者,你对此可能会______。

   答案:Be nervous about

3. 在西方文化中,亲吻对方的脸颊是一种友好的______方式。

   答案:Greet sb with/by

4. 人们常常______来表达他们无法用言语表达的情感。

   答案:Express one's feelings

5. 尽管他失败了,但他依然保持乐观,这______显示了他的坚韧精神。

   答案:In general


1. 我们应该学会如何在困难面前保卫自己,以免受伤害。

   答案:We should learn how to defend ourselves against difficulties to avoid harm.

2. 当你初次见到某人时,向他们微笑并点头是礼貌的。

   答案:When you meet someone for the first time, it's polite to greet them with a smile and nod at them.



Tom: (1) ____

Mary: Hi Tom, nice to meet you. I'm Mary, the HR manager here. (2) ____

Tom: Thank you, Mary. It's my pleasure. (3) ____

Mary: Yes, we're looking for someone enthusiastic and skilled like you. Don't be nervous, Tom. (4) ____

Tom: I appreciate your encouragement, Mary. I've prepared well and am eager to contribute. (5) ____

Mary: That's great, Tom. Let's get started with your interview.


(1) Introduce yourself to Mary

(2) Greet you with a warm smile

(3) Be likely to impress you

(4) At ease, I'm sure you'll do great

(5) I'm willing to take on any challenges that come my way


