

1. 选择正确的动词形式完成句子。

   - He **(go/goes)** to school by bus every morning.

   - She always **(wear/wears)** her favorite dress on Sundays.

2. 在以下句子中找出使用正确的一般现在时的句子。

   - We goes to the park every Saturday.

   - They play soccer in the afternoon.

   - I has a cat named Whiskers.

   - You watch TV after dinner.

3. 判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打√,错误的打×。

   - The sun rises in the east. ( )

   - Two plus two equals four. ( )

   - Dogs fly in the sky. ( )

   - Birds sing beautiful songs. ( )


4. He often ________ (forget/forgets) his keys.

5. We ________ (not/do not) like rainy days.

6. My brother ________ (play/plays) video games every evening.

7. She ________ (teach/teaches) math at our school.

8. The earth ________ (revolves/revolve) around the sun.


9. He go to work by bike. Correct the sentence:


10. She don't like cold weather. Correct the sentence:


11. Cats swims in water. Correct the sentence:


12. Every morning, I runs five kilometers. Correct the sentence:



13. 我哥哥通常在周末弹吉他。

    My brother usually _________________ on weekends.

14. 他们每天下午都打篮球。

    They ________________ every afternoon.

15. 当雨来临时,我们待在室内。

    We stay indoors when it __________________.

16. 她总是乐于帮助别人。

    She is always ready to _______________ others.




1. goes; wears

2. They play soccer in the afternoon.; You watch TV after dinner.

3. √ × √ √


4. forgets

5. do not

6. plays

7. teaches

8. revolves


9. He goes to work by bike.

10. She doesn't like cold weather.

11. Cats do not swim in water.

12. Every morning, I run five kilometers.


13. plays the guitar

14. play basketball

15. starts to rain/rains

16. help