

1. 以下哪个句子中的动词用法不正确?

   A. She has never been to Beijing.

   B. He has gone to the bookshop.

   C. He has been to the library, but not returned yet.

   D. They have seen the movie twice.

   **答案:** C. (应使用has gone to, 表示“去了但未回来”)

2. 以下哪个句子中mean的用法是错误的?

   A. "What does the word ‘argue’ mean?"

   B. "It means that he won’t come again."

   C. "The meaning of life is to find your purpose."

   D. "I meaning to tell you this yesterday."

   **答案:** D. (应使用meant, 表示“打算,意欲”)

3. 以下哪个句子中tell的用法不恰当?

   A. Could you tell me about your work?

   B. My mother likes telling stories.

   C. She has told me the secret.

   D. Tell him wait for me.

   **答案:** D. (应为Tell him to wait for me.)

4. 在以下句子中,哪个选项正确地使用了"So"的倒装句结构?

   A. -I don't like coffee. -So do I.

   B. -She doesn't like coffee. -Neither do I.

   C. -I like coffee. -So I do.

   D. -I like coffee. -Nor do I.

   **答案:** B.

5. 填空:When we have trouble doing something, we can say "__ having a hard time doing it."

   A. are

   B. have

   C. being

   D. been

   **答案:** B.

6. 以下哪个短语表示“对某人友好”?

   A. be kindly to sb.

   B. be friend to sb.

   C. be friendly to sb.

   D. be well-disposed towards sb.

   **答案:** C.


7. When you want to say you've visited a place before, you use the phrase "__ been to".


8. The sentence "This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster." tells us "__".


9. In the sentence "I was having a hard time finding it until you came along.", "__" indicates difficulty in accomplishing a task.


10. To express that someone else shares the same situation or feeling, you might say "__ too."


11. If you're unfamiliar with someone but they treat you kindly, you might say, "I didn't know some of the girls, but they were all really __ to me."



12. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“她从来没有去过上海。”


13. 将以下句子翻译成中文:“He has gone to the supermarket and hasn't come back yet.”


14. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“你可以告诉我你的爱好吗?”


15. 将以下句子翻译成中文:“She can tell the difference between good and bad easily.”


16. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“他不认识那些男孩,但他们对他都很友善。”



17. 请用至少3个上述提到的句型,写一篇关于你第一次去游乐园的经历,不少于50词。



1. C

2. D

3. D

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. have

8. the meaning

9. having a hard time

10. So

11. friendly

12. She has never been to Shanghai.

13. 他已经去了超市,还没回来。

14. Could you tell me about your hobbies?

15. 她能轻易区分好与坏。

16. He didn't know those boys, but they were all really friendly to him.

17. **写作示例:**


    Have you ever been to an amusement park? Well, I have. Last summer, I went to Disneyland for the first time. It was a magical experience. I was having a hard time finding my way around until a friendly staff member helped me. She told me about the different attractions, and I couldn't believe I saw Disney characters all over the roller coaster. It was truly a day to remember.