

1. 下列哪个词用于描述“两者都不”的情况?

   A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All

2. 当需要表达“两个中任意一个”的概念时,应使用:

   A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All

3. 哪个词用于描述“三个或三个以上的人或事物都不”的情况?

   A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All

4. 下列句子中,"Both"正确使用的例子是:

   A. Both apple is red. B. Both apples are red. C. Both of apple is red. D. Both of apples are red.

5. "All"在以下哪个句子中表示复数不可数名词的概念?

   A. All book is read. B. All books are read. C. All the water was poured. D. All of water was poured.

6. 在句子"All of us are here."中,"All"被视为:

   A. 单数 B. 复数 C. 不可数 D. 根据上下文而定

7. 下列哪个句子表达了“不完全否定”的概念?

   A. Neither of you is right. B. Both of you are not right.

   C. None of them are coming. D. All of them are not coming.

8. 当"Both"与否定词"not"连用时,它表示:

   A. 完全否定 B. 部分否定 C. 肯定 D. 无意义


9. You can choose _________ of the two options; they're equally good.

10. _________ of my friends came to the party, which made me feel upset.

11. _________ of the stories he told us were based on real events.

12. _________ the students in the class passed the exam.

13. _________ is wrong with the plan; we need to revise it.


14. 改正错误:Both pens writes smoothly.


15. 改正错误:None students attended the lecture.


16. 改正错误:Either roads lead to the city.



17. 翻译成英文:“两个苹果都是红色的。”


18. 翻译成英文:“所有的水都被倒掉了。”




Both John and Mary are excellent students, but neither of them enjoys public speaking. In a recent debate competition, they were both asked to present their arguments. However, both struggled with stage fright, and neither delivered a convincing speech. Despite this, all their classmates admired their courage for participating.

19. John和Mary对公开演讲有什么共同点?


20. 他们在辩论比赛中表现如何?


21. 同学们对他们的态度是什么?




1. C. Neither

2. B. Either

3. D. All

4. B. Both apples are red.

5. C. All the water was poured.

6. B. 复数

7. B. 部分否定

8. B. 部分否定


9. either

10. Neither

11. None

12. All

13. Both


14. Both pens write smoothly.

15. No students attended the lecture.

16. Either road leads to the city.


17. Both apples are red.

18. All the water was poured.


19. 他们都不喜欢公开演讲。

20. 他们都因为怯场而没有发表令人信服的演讲。

21. 同学们都赞赏他们的勇气。