

1. **Too...to... / So...that...**


   a) The task is _too_ difficult _for me_ to finish alone. (转换成so...that结构)

   Answer: The task is _so_ difficult _that_ I can't finish it alone.

2. **What's the population of...?**


   Answer: What's the population of Beijing?

3. **特殊疑问句**



   A) Why have you come?

   B) What have you come?

   Answer: A) Why have you come?

4. **Not...until...**


   He won't start the project _not_ _until_ he gets all the necessary resources.

   Answer: He won't start the project until he gets all the necessary resources.

5. **Neither...nor... / Either...or... / Both...and...**


   Neither Tom _nor_ his sisters know how to cook.

   Either you _or_ your friend can go to the party.

   Both my parents _and_ I love reading books.






6. **Have + 宾语 + 省略to的动词不定式**


   I'll have the computer _turned_ on before the meeting starts.

   Answer: turned

7. **Have + 宾语 + 过去分词**


   She had her phone _stolen_ in the park yesterday.

   Answer: stolen


8. **互换句型**


   a) They had the machine repaired by the technician.

   Answer: They had a technician repair the machine.

9. **互换句型**


   The boss had the report typed by his secretary.

   Answer: The boss had his secretary type the report.


10. **找人建造**


    You should have someone _build_ a house.

    You should have a house _built_.

11. **请上台**


    Now we'll have the next speaker _come_ to the front.

12. **送到教室**


    You must have these books _sent_ to the classroom.


1. The task is so difficult that I can't finish it alone.

2. What's the population of Beijing?

3. A) Why have you come?

4. He won't start the project until he gets all the necessary resources.

5. Neither...nor... / Either...or... / Both...and...

6. turned

7. stolen

8. They had a technician repair the machine.

9. The boss had his secretary type the report.

10. build / built

11. come

12. sent