

1. There is going to _____ a football match this afternoon.

   A. have  

   B. watch  

   C. be  

   D. play


2. They were sure that they were going to _____ a rest.

   A. be  

   B. have  

   C. be on  

   D. on



3. Mike has bought some foreign stamps. So has Bob. (改写同义句)

   Bob has bought some foreign stamps, _too_.

4. Mother has never been to Japan. Neither has Father. (改写同义句)

   Father hasn't been to Japan, _either_.


5. It's two weeks since we met last. (写出同义句)

   We haven't seen each other _for two weeks_.

6. Work hard, or you will fall behind the other students. (写出同义句)

   If you don't work hard, you'll fall behind the other students.


7. The more, the better. (写出同义句)

   A. The less, the worse  

   B. The fewer, the more  

   C. The greater, the worse  

   D. The harder, the better


8. How do you like the film? (写出同义句)

   A. What do you feel about the film?  

   B. What's your opinion on the film?  

   C. How much do you enjoy the film?  

   D. What do you think of the film?


9. A: What have you done with the library book?  

   B: I've just returned it to the library. (写出答句的同义句)

   I've just _given it back_ to the library.

10. What's your school like? (写出答句的同义句)

    Could you _describe_ your school?


11. What's the weather like today? (回答)

    Today, the weather is sunny and warm.

12. What should we do if we can't find the way home? (回答)

    If you can't find the way home, you should ask a local for directions or use a map application on your phone.


- 第一题至第十题的答案已在题目下方标注

- 第十一题:Today, the weather is sunny and warm.

- 第十二题:If you can't find the way home, you should ask a local for directions or use a map application on your phone.