

1. 下列哪个句子正确地使用了"should"表示虚拟语气?

   A. They recommended that we send a delegation to their country.


   B. They recommended we sending a delegation to their country.


   C. They recommended us to send a delegation to their country.


2. 哪个句子中的"should"用于表示命令或建议?

   A. She insisted she write and accept the post.


   B. She urged that he should write and accept the post.


   C. She suggested him to write and accept the post.


3. 下面哪个句子中的"should"用于表示必要性?

   A. It is necessary the teacher gets a thorough knowledge of the subject he teaches.


   B. It is necessary that the teacher have a thorough knowledge of the subject he teaches.


   C. It is necessary the teacher has a thorough knowledge of the subject he teaches.


4. 哪个句子中的"should"用于表语从句?

   A. His suggestion was that he should go alone.


   B. His suggestion was he goes alone.


   C. His suggestion was he go alone.


5. 在以下哪个句子中,"should"用于同位语从句?

   A. The proposal that he should resign caused a stir in the boardroom.


   B. The proposal he resign caused a stir in the boardroom.


   C. The proposal of his resignation caused a stir in the boardroom.



6. 当建议用在动词如______、______、______之后,宾语从句通常使用"should + 动词原形"的结构。

   答案:advise, command, demand

7. "It is suggested"引导的主语从句中,"should"可以被省略,如:"It is suggested ______ (we) prepare for the meeting."

   答案:that we

8. 表示命令、要求的动词如______、______、______后,"should"常用于引导宾语从句。

   答案:order, require, insist

9. "It is essential that"引导的从句中,"should"表达的是______的语气。


10. "Lest"引导的目的状语从句中,"should"常用于______的情况。



11. 改正以下句子的错误:"They advised we going to the conference."

   答案:改为:"They advised that we go to the conference."

12. 改正以下句子的错误:"She proposed he was promoted to the next level."

   答案:改为:"She proposed that he be promoted to the next level."


13. 将以下句子翻译成英文:"他们要求我们必须在今晚之前准备好一切。"

    答案:It is required that we (should) get everything ready by tonight.

14. 将以下句子翻译成中文:"老师必须对所教的科目有深入的了解,这是必要的。"

    答案:It is necessary that the teacher (should) have a thorough knowledge of the subject he teaches.