

1. 下列哪个句子使用了全倒装结构?

   A. Here he comes.

   B. Here comes the bus.

   C. Never shall I do this again.

   D. Only he can save the patient.


2. 当“Only + 状语”位于句首时,主句通常会怎样?

   A. 不倒装

   B. 部分倒装

   C. 全部倒装

   D. 根据状语类型决定


3. 哪种情况不会引起倒装?

   A. 副词或介词短语位于句首

   B. 否定词位于句首

   C. 让步状语从句中表语提前

   D. “Not only...but also...”结构中,两个主语并列


4. “Young as he is, he knows a lot.”这个句子属于哪种倒装类型?

   A. 部分倒装

   B. 全部倒装

   C. 让步状语从句的表语倒装

   D. 副词引导的全倒装


5. 在“Not only will help be given to people, but also medical treatment will be provided.”中,“Not only”引导的部分是否倒装?

   A. 是

   B. 否


6. 以下哪个句子没有使用倒装结构?

   A. In front of the house lies a garden.

   B. He knows a lot, young as he is.

   C. Hardly had I finished my homework when I fell asleep.

   D. Not he but I am going to the party.



7. “_______ will I give up.”(填写适当的否定词,使句子符合部分倒装的要求)


8. “_______ did I understand his meaning after he explained it three times.”(填写适当的助动词,使句子符合部分倒装的要求)


9. “_______ the teacher came, did the students stop talking.”(根据句子结构,填写适当的词使句子符合部分倒装的要求)



10. 将“Though he is old, he works hard.”改写为让步状语从句的表语倒装。

    答案:Old as he is, he works hard.

11. 将句子“Under the tree sits an old man.”改为非倒装形式。

    答案:An old man sits under the tree.


12. 请使用部分倒装结构,以“Hardly...when...”的形式描述一次难忘的经历。

    答案:Hardly had I arrived at the airport when I realized I had left my passport at home.

13. 请使用“Only + 状语”引导的倒装结构,描述一个情境,体现“只有...才...”的含义。

    答案:Only by working hard can you achieve your goals.


14. 分析句子“Not only you but also I am responsible for the mistake.”中的倒装结构,并解释为什么在这种情况下不需要倒装。

    答案:在这个句子中,“Not only...but also...”连接了两个并列的主语“you”和“I”。由于“not only”引导的部分并不构成句子的主干,因此不需要倒装。主语后的“am responsible for the mistake”是正常的陈述语序。


15. 解释“Never shall I forget that day.”这个句子的语法结构,并说明为何使用了部分倒装。

    答案:“Never”是一个否定词,放在句首时,句子需要部分倒装。在这个句子中,“shall I forget that day”是一个倒装结构,正常语序应为“I shall never forget that day”。将“never”提前,强调了“忘记那一天”的否定意愿,增强了表达效果。



1. B

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. Never

8. Only

9. When

10. Old as he is, he works hard.

11. An old man sits under the tree.

12. Hardly had I arrived at the airport when I realized I had left my passport at home.

13. Only by working hard can you achieve your goals.

14. 句子中“Not only you but also I”是并列主语,不倒装是因为“not only...but also...”结构下,主谓要保持一致,即“am responsible for the mistake”。

15. “Never shall I forget that day.”中,“Never”作为否定词置于句首,引起部分倒装。正常语序为“I shall never forget that day”,倒装后更显强调,表示对那一天的记忆永不会消失。