

1. The key __________ the door is missing.

A. to

B. on

C. at

D. of

2. I received your __________ for my birthday, thank you!

A. congratulations

B. mercy

C. visit

D. introduction

3. She was __________ at the news.

A. angry

B. good

C. bad

D. clever

4. He's __________ of heights, so he won't go up the ladder.

A. afraid

B. sure

C. full

D. tired

5. My teacher is __________ with me when I'm late.

A. angry

B. strict

C. careful

D. busy

6. She is __________ to everyone, making her very popular.

A. next

B. good

C. polite

D. kind

7. I feel __________ for not being able to attend the party.

A. sorry

B. good

C. free

D. fit

8. This medicine is __________ for your headache.

A. fit

B. free

C. eager

D. anxious

9. They are __________ from each other, living in opposite corners of the city.

A. far

B. different

C. free

D. safe

10. She's __________ her husband's cooking skills.

A. fond

B. proud

C. worthy

D. certain


There once was a young man who was always ___________ (1) his abilities. One day, he decided to prove himself by visiting a wise old sage. On his ___________ (2), he found the sage meditating. The sage looked up and saw him, a ___________ (3) expression on his face.

The young man began his ___________ (4), expressing his desire to be recognized as the most ___________ (5) person in the land. The sage listened patiently and then replied, "To be truly great, one must first learn ___________ (6)."

The young man, feeling slightly offended, asked why kindness was necessary. The sage explained that it's often the ___________ (7) actions that speak louder than words. He continued, "And remember, true greatness also means being ___________ (8) mistakes."

Realizing his own ___________ (9), the young man apologized to the sage. With a ___________ (10) smile, the sage accepted his apology, teaching him a valuable lesson about humility.

1. A. good

B. bad

C. clever

D. terrified

2. A. visit

B. mercy

C. apology

D. note

3. A. surprised

B. angry

C. good

D. bad

4. A. introduction

B. apology

C. visit

D. answer

5. A. known

B. cruel

C. polite

D. rude

6. A. next

B. kind

C. close

D. similar

7. A. good

B. free

C. fit

D. sorry

8. A. for

B. to

C. with

D. from

9. A. aware

B. fond

C. tired

D. proud

10. A. anxious

B. married

C. polite

D. close


11. 他总是对时间管理感到焦虑。

(He is always anxious about time management.)

12. 这个问题的答案在于深入研究。

(The answer to this question lies in detailed research.)

13. 她对我很严格,因为她知道我可以做得更好。

(She is strict with me because she knows I can do better.)

14. 我们对他们的成功表示祝贺。

(We extend our congratulations on their success.)

15. 他对孩子们的安全感到担忧。

(He is worried about the children's safety.)




1. A. to

2. A. congratulations

3. A. angry

4. A. afraid

5. B. strict

6. C. polite

7. A. sorry

8. A. fit

9. A. far

10. B. proud


1. C. clever

2. A. visit

3. A. surprised

4. A. introduction

5. A. known

6. B. kind

7. D. sorry

8. D. from

9. C. tired

10. C. polite


11. 他总是对时间管理感到焦虑。

(He is always anxious about time management.)

12. 这个问题的答案在于深入研究。

(The answer to this question lies in detailed research.)

13. 她对我很严格,因为她知道我可以做得更好。

(She is strict with me because she knows I can do better.)

14. 我们对他们的成功表示祝贺。

(We extend our congratulations on their success.)

15. 他对孩子们的安全感到担忧。

(He is worried about the children's safety.)