

1. 下面哪个句子正确地使用了“nor/neither + 助动词/be/情态动词 + 主语”结构?

   A. I haven't visited Europe, and nor he has.

   B. I have never been to Africa, and neither has she.

   C. She doesn't like coffee, and nor do I.

   D. They won't attend the conference, neither will we.


2. 哪个句子正确地使用了“So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”结构来表示“...也是的一样的”?

   A. You can swim, so can I.

   B. He is tired, so am I.

   C. They arrived early, so were we.

   D. She didn't study, so did I.


3. 下面哪个句子正确地使用了“So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词”结构来表示 “的确如此”?

   A. He finished his homework, so was he.

   B. She likes painting, so does she.

   C. It's raining, so it is.

   D. They're coming, so they are.


4. 关于"Not only…but (also)…"结构,以下哪个说法是正确的?

   A. 当它引导并列结构时,谓语动词遵循主谓一致原则。

   B. 当引导并列句时,"not only"部分的句子需要倒装。

   C. "Not only…but (also)…"只能用于引导主语。

   D. "Not only"后的句子不需要倒装,"but also"后的句子需要倒装。



5. 完成下列句子,使用正确的“not only…but (also)…”结构:

   Not only _________ women allowed in sports, but (also) _________ play a crucial part in gymnastics.

   答案:Not only are women allowed in sports, but (also) they play a crucial part in gymnastics.

6. 根据提示完成句子,使用正确的倒装形式:

   Not only _________ they speak French fluently, but (also) _________ they understand several other languages.

   答案:Not only do they speak French fluently, but (also) they understand several other languages.


7. 改正下列句子中的错误:

   I haven't seen him since last week, neither have she.

   答案:I haven't seen him since last week, neither has she.

8. 改正下列句子中的错误:

   So she was tired, so did I stay up late.

   答案:She was tired, so did I.


9. 用"Not only…but (also)…"结构写一个关于环保的句子,强调减少塑料使用的重要性。

   答案:Not only does reducing plastic usage benefit marine life, but (also) it contributes significantly to a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.


10. 将下面的句子从英文翻译成中文:

    If you don't believe me, neither will anyone else.




1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. Not only are women allowed in sports, but (also) they play a crucial part in gymnastics.

6. Not only do they speak French fluently, but (also) they understand several other languages.

7. I haven't seen him since last week, neither has she.

8. She was tired, so did I.

9. Not only does reducing plastic usage benefit marine life, but (also) it contributes significantly to a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.

10. 如果你不相信我,其他人也不会相信。