

1. Which sentence correctly uses "be afraid to do (of sth.)"?

A. I'm afraid to dogs.

B. I'm afraid to go out at night.

C. I'm afraid of go out at night.

D. I'm afraid watching TV.

**Answer:** B.

2. Which of these sentences properly uses "be allowed to do"?

A. I allow to watch TV.

B. I'm allowed watching TV.

C. I'm allowed to watch TV.

D. TV is allowed to me.

**Answer:** C.

3. Choose the correct usage of "be angry with (at) sb. for doing sth.".

A. Don't be angry with me for forgetting.

B. Don't be angry with me about forgetting.

C. Don't be angry at me for forgetting.

D. Both A and C.

**Answer:** D.

4. Fill in the blank with an appropriate phrase: "She is as _______ as her sister".

A. taller

B. tall

C. high

D. same height

**Answer:** B.

5. Which of these correctly expresses "be ashamed to"?

A. I'm ashamed to tell you the truth.

B. I'm ashamed telling you the truth.

C. I'm ashamed on telling the truth.

D. None of the above.

**Answer:** A.


6. Complete the sentence using "be away from": "__ will be away from home for a week."


**Answer:** I will be away from home for a week.

7. Fill in the blank with "be bad for": "Eating too much candy is __________ your health."


**Answer:** Eating too much candy is bad for your health.

8. Use "be born" to create a sentence: "______"


**Answer:** She was born in New York City.

9. Using "be busy doing sth.", write a sentence: "______"


**Answer:** I am busy preparing for my exam.

10. Finish this sentence with "be careful": "When crossing the street, always __________."


**Answer:** When crossing the street, always be careful.


11. Rewrite "Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes." using "be harmful to".


**Answer:** Reading books in the sun is harmful to your eyes.

12. Convert "He comes from Beijing." to "be from".


**Answer:** He is from Beijing.

13. Use "be filled with" to rephrase "The cup is full of water.".


**Answer:** The cup is filled with water.

14. Express "She excels in painting." using "be good at (+ doing)" or "do well in".


**Answer:** She is good at painting. / She does well in painting.

15. Write a sentence with "be going to + v. (original)" to indicate future plans.


**Answer:** I am going to visit my grandparents tomorrow.


16. Finish this sentence: "She is ________ intelligent as her brother."


**Answer:** as.

17. What does "be friendly to sb." mean?


**Answer:** It means to be kind and polite to someone.

18. Use "be from" to complete: "She ________ Japan."


**Answer:** She is from Japan.

19. How would you express "The room is completely empty" using "be full of"?


**Answer:** The room is not full of anything.

20. Complete the sentence with "be glad + to do": "I'll be glad ________ your help."


**Answer:** I'll be glad to have your help.


21. Explain the difference between "be allowed to do" and "should be allowed to do".


**Answer:** "Be allowed to do" indicates that someone has permission to do something, while "should be allowed to do" suggests that it is a rightful or reasonable request for permission.

22. Provide an example of using "be different from".


**Answer:** My sister's personality is very different from mine; she is outgoing, while I am more introverted.


Write a short paragraph using at least five of the given sentence structures to describe a typical day at school.



I'm usually busy with my studies from morning till afternoon. I'm allowed to take a 10-minute break between classes, which I use to recharge. My teacher is always careful not to overload us with too much homework. Sometimes, I'm angry with myself for procrastinating on assignments. However, I'm glad when I manage to finish them on time. During lunchtime, I'm friendly to my classmates, often sharing stories and laughter. After school, I'm usually going to attend an extracurricular activity, like the debate club, where I'm good at presenting my ideas.