**标题:初中英语阅读理解与词汇填空 - What time do you go to school?**



Dear Mona,


Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.





1. Who is the letter addressed to?

A) Mona

B) Jane

C) Unknown

D) No one

2. What time does Jane usually wake up?

A) 6:30

B) 7:30

C) 6:15

D) 8:00

3. When does Jane start doing her homework?

A) Before getting up

B) After breakfast

C) At 6:30

D) At 9:00

4. When does Jane eat breakfast?

A) At 6:15

B) At 6:30

C) At 7:30

D) At 8:00

5. What does Jane ask Mona to do in her reply?

A) Describe her evening

B) Describe her morning

C) Do her homework

D) Start school early


1. A) Mona

2. C) 6:15

3. C) At 6:30

4. C) At 7:30

5. B) Describe her morning


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words based on the context of the letter.

1. Jane usually gets up at around _______ fifteen.

2. She does her _______ at six thirty.

3. Breakfast is at around _______ thirty.

4. School starts at _______ o'clock.

5. Jane wants Mona to write and tell her about her _______.


1. six

2. homework

3. seven

4. nine

5. morning



Write a short paragraph in English describing your morning routine, following the structure of Jane's letter. Make sure to include the time you wake up, when you do your daily tasks, and when you start your school day.



Dear Jane,

Thank you for sharing your morning routine with me. My mornings are quite similar to yours. I typically wake up at around six o'clock. After getting out of bed, I spend a few minutes stretching before brushing my teeth and washing my face. At six thirty, I sit down to do my daily reading, followed by breakfast at around seven. By eight, I'm ready to leave for school, and classes begin promptly at eight thirty. I'm curious to hear more about your day beyond the morning hours.

Best regards,
