**试卷标题:初中英语课文理解与应用测试 - 篇四**

How much are these pants?

Clerk: Can I help you?

Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.

Clerk: What color do you want?

Mary: Blue.

Clerk: Here you are.

Mary: How much is it?

Clerk: 20 dollars.

Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks.

Clerk: You’re welcome.


1. What does Mary want to buy?

   A) Pants

   B) A sweater

   C) A skirt

   D) A hat

2. What color does Mary prefer for the sweater?

   A) Red

   B) Yellow

   C) Blue

   D) Green

3. Who initiates the conversation?

   A) Mary

   B) Clerk

   C) Teacher

   D) Friend

4. How much does the sweater cost?

   A) $10

   B) $20

   C) $30

   D) $40

5. What is the response of the clerk when Mary thanks her?

   A) "No problem."

   B) "You're welcome."

   C) "It's my duty."

   D) "Have a nice day."


Mary goes to a store and needs some new clothes. She asks the __1__ for help. The clerk asks her about the __2__ she wants. Mary chooses __3__. The clerk gives it to her. Then Mary asks about the __4__. After knowing it's $20, she decides to __5__ it.


A) friend

B) teacher

C) clerk

D) parent


A) size

B) style

C) color

D) brand


A) pants

B) sweater

C) shirt

D) jacket


A) price

B) name

C) material

D) design


A) borrow

B) return

C) try on

D) buy


6. 将对话中的问句"How much is it?"翻译成中文。


7. 将对话中的回答"You're welcome."翻译成中文。






1. B) A sweater

2. C) Blue

3. B) Clerk

4. B) $20

5. B) "You're welcome."


1. C) clerk

2. C) color

3. B) sweater

4. A) price

5. D) buy


6. "多少钱?"

7. "不客气。"

