

1. 过去将来时主要用于描述_______的情况。(2分)

   A. 现在将要发生的事情 B. 过去某一时间将要发生的事情 C. 已经发生的事情 D. 从未发生的事情


2. 过去将来时的一般构成是_______。(3分)

   A. should/would + 动词原形 B. will/shall + 动词原形 C. was/were going to + 动词原形 D. used to + 动词原形

3. 在以下句子中,哪个动词形式表示过去将来时?(2分)

   "We asked him where we _______ have a meeting."

   A. should B. would C. could D. might

4. 除了在宾语从句中,过去将来时还可在哪些情况下使用?(请列举至少一种,3分)



5. 将下列句子改写为过去将来时。(每题3分)

   A. "I am going to meet my friend tomorrow."


   B. "They will finish the project by next week."


   C. "She said she can help you with your homework."



6. 根据情境,填写合适的过去将来时态的句子。(每题2分)

   A. 昨天我告诉玛丽,如果她来,我_______给她做蛋糕。


   B. 在上个星期的会议上,经理宣布我们_______在下个月启动新项目。



7. 阅读下面的短文,并标出其中错误的过去将来时态表达,改正并解释。(5分)

   "Yesterday, I told my boss that I will finish the report by the end of the day. But he said he would be on vacation next week, so he wanted to know if I could submit it earlier. I replied that I should do it before he leaves."






**二、A, B, 使用在虚拟语气、条件句、叙述过去计划等场合**


5. A. "I was going to meet my friend the next day."

   B. "They were going to finish the project by the following week."

   C. "She said she would help you with your homework."


6. A. "I would make her a cake if she came."

   B. "The manager announced that we would initiate the new project the next month."


7. 改正: "Yesterday, I told my boss that I would finish the report by the end of the day. But he said he would be on vacation next week, so he wanted to know if I could submit it earlier. I replied that I would do it before he left."
