

1. 哪个句子使用了一般将来时?

   A. I am reading a book.  

   B. She will visit her grandparents tomorrow.

   C. They played football yesterday.

   D. He studies English every day.

**答案**: B

2. 下列哪个短语最常用于表示将来计划或打算?

   A. be going to do

   B. be about to do

   C. is/ am/ are to do

   D. be doing

**答案**: A

3. 当我们用 "I'm leaving for New York" 时,它表示什么?

   A. 现在正在进行的动作

   B. 一个已经完成的动作

   C. 将来按计划进行的动作

   D. 过去的习惯

**答案**: C

4. 以下哪个句子使用了 "be about to do" 结构?

   A. She will cook dinner tonight.

   B. I am going to meet my friend at 6 PM.

   C. We are about to start the meeting.

   D. They are to present their project next week.

**答案**: C

5. 在条件状语从句中,如何表示将来?

   A. 使用一般现在时

   B. 使用一般过去时

   C. 使用一般将来时

   D. 使用现在进行时

**答案**: A


1. I _______ (visit) my aunt next weekend.

   **答案**: will visit

2. The train _______ (arrive) at 9 AM sharp, so we must be there on time.

   **答案**: arrives

3. If it _______ (rain), we'll stay at home.

   **答案**: rains

4. The company _______ (launch) a new product line next month.

   **答案**: is launching

5. She _______ (not study) for the exam because she thinks she's well-prepared.

   **答案**: won't study


1. They are planning to go on vacation next summer.

   (使用 "be going to" 改写)

   **答案**: They are going to go on vacation next summer.

2. As soon as I finish my work, I will call you.


   **答案**: As soon as I finish my work, I call you.

3. The flight leaves at 8 PM, so we should arrive at the airport by 7 PM.


   **答案**: The flight is leaving at 8 PM, so we should be arriving at the airport by 7 PM.

4. He shall clean his room before his parents come back.

   (使用 "will" 改写)

   **答案**: He will clean his room before his parents come back.

5. The contract states that you are to complete the project by December.

   (使用 "have to" 改写)

   **答案**: The contract states that you have to complete the project by December.



1. 我们明天会见面。

   **答案**: We will meet tomorrow.

2. 如果不下雨,我们就去徒步旅行。

   **答案**: If it doesn't rain, we'll go hiking.

3. 他打算在大学里学习计算机科学。

   **答案**: He is going to study computer science at university.

4. 飞机将在下午三点起飞。

   **答案**: The plane is taking off at 3 PM.

5. 他们按照计划执行任务。

   **答案**: They are carrying out the mission as planned.