

1. 一般过去时用于描述________。(请填写空格)


2. 一般过去时的构成包括_______和_______。(请填写空格)

   答案:be - was, were;实意动词用过去式来表示,没有人称和数的变化。


3. 将句子"I saw a movie yesterday"转换为否定句。

   答案:I didn't see a movie yesterday.

4. 将句子"She worked in a hospital"转换为一般疑问句。

   答案:Did she work in a hospital?


5. 一般过去时常常与哪些时间状语搭配使用?(列举三个)

   答案:yesterday, last Friday, in 1994

6. 请用一般过去时描述一个过去的习惯行为。

   答案:When I was a child, I played football every afternoon.

7. 当"have"表示"有"时,构成疑问和否定句有两种形式,请给出一个否定句和一个疑问句。

   答案:否定句:He didn't have any friends.

       疑问句:Did you have many books?


8. 根据以下情境,用一般过去时完成句子:


   答案:Yesterday morning, I woke up and did some housework.

9. 请将以下句子改为一般过去时,并保持原意不变:

   "She has a lot of friends now."

   答案:She had a lot of friends then.


1. 过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,可能是一次的,也可能是经常的,动作已完成。

2. be - was, were;实意动词用过去式来表示,没有人称和数的变化。

3. I didn't see a movie yesterday.

4. Did she work in a hospital?

5. yesterday, last Friday, in 1994

6. When I was a child, I played football every afternoon.

7. 否定句:He didn't have any friends.

   疑问句:Did you have many books?

8. Yesterday morning, I woke up and did some housework.

9. She had a lot of friends then.