

1. "I'm __________ than my brother." 应填入:

   A. tall

   B. taller

   C. tallest

2. 当你感觉头痛时,你会说:

   A. I have a toothache.

   B. I have a headache.

   C. I have a sore throat.

3. 下列哪个动词过去式表示"去看望"?

   A. visit

   B. visited

   C. visits

4. 描述上个周末活动时,你会说:

   A. I go hiking last weekend.

   B. I went hiking last weekend.

   C. I go to hike last weekend.

5. 在表达"我比你年轻"时,你会说:

   A. I am younger than you.

   B. I am older than you.

   C. You are younger than me.

6. 表示"看"的过去式是:

   A. watch

   B. watched

   C. watches

7. "I __________ a lot of delicious food on my trip." 应填入:

   A. eat

   B. ate

   C. eating

8. 描述"爬山"的过去式,你会说:

   A. I climb a mountain.

   B. I climbed a mountain.

   C. I climbing a mountain.

9. 表示"买礼物"的过去式短语是:

   A. buy presents

   B. bought presents

   C. buying presents

10. "How did you __________ to the park?" 应填入:

    A. go

    B. goes

    C. went


1. 我比我的妹妹_______。(tall)

2. 昨天我_______了很多好书。(read)

3. 她的头发比我_______。(long)

4. 我们在假期_______了大象。(saw)

5. 他感到很_______,因为他昨晚熬夜了。(tired)


1. 我昨天去了游泳。


2. 我的喉咙很疼,我可能感冒了。


3. 上个周末,我和朋友们一起去滑雪了。


4. 我们在度假时拍了很多照片。



1. 描述一下当你牙疼时,你会做什么?


2. 用动词"clean"的过去式造句,描述你上周日做的事情。


3. 你如何描述一个人又高又壮?


4. 请列举三个你在旅行中可能会做的事情,并用过去式表示。




1. B

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. B

10. A


1. taller

2. read

3. longer

4. saw

5. tired


1. I went swimming yesterday.

2. My throat hurts, I probably have a cold.

3. Last weekend, I went skiing with my friends.

4. We took a lot of pictures when we were on vacation.


1. When my tooth hurts, I usually take some medicine and call the dentist for an appointment.

2. I cleaned my room thoroughly last Sunday.

3. He is tall and strong.

4. I went hiking, took pictures, and ate good food during my trip.