

1. 写出你的姓氏(英文):


2. 如何拼写"Ice cream"?


3. "Who is the man in the black suit?" 这句话的意思是什么?


4. "She is my sister." 这句话的反义句是什么?



5. 当你想知道别人的名字如何拼写时,你会问:


6. 你遇到一位新朋友,你会说:


7. 当你想向罗斯介绍你的朋友汤姆时,你会怎么说?


8. 回答"Nice to meet you." 的礼貌回应是:


9. 当别人自我介绍时,你应怎样回答?



10. 今天是星期三,你会这样表达:


11. 今天是2023年5月20日,用英文表达:


12. 如果现在是9月份,你会说:


13. 询问今年是哪一年,你会问:


14. 回答"Does the library close at 5 pm on Saturdays?" 如果是,你会说:



15. 你打算周末去公园,你会这样告诉朋友:


16. 询问商店平日的营业时间,你会说:


17. 如果你想知道今天是几号,你会问:


18. 对话中,"It's the year of 2023." 指的是:


19. 回答"What time does school start in the morning?" 如果是8点,你会说:


20. 当你想要了解更多关于某人的信息时,你会说:




1. My family name is _______ (学生填写)

2. I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M

3. "Who is the man in the black suit?" 的意思是 "穿黑色西装的男士是谁?"

4. "She isn't my sister."

5. How do you spell it?

6. Nice to meet you.

7. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. This is Tom. He's my classmate.

8. Nice to meet you, too.

9. How do you do?

10. It's Wednesday today.

11. It's May the 20th, 2023.

12. It's September.

13. What year is this?

14. Yes, it does.

15. I'm going to the park this weekend. Would you like to come along?

16. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays?

17. What's the date today?

18. 2023年

19. School starts at 8 am.

20. Could you tell me more about yourself?