
**一、选择题 (每题1分,共20分)**

1. 以下哪个是问候语?

   A. Goodbye!  

   B. Hello!  

   C. Thank you!  

   D. I'm sorry!

2. 如何回答"Are you Peter Smith?" 的否定形式?

   A. Yes, I am.  

   B. No, I'm not.  

   C. I'm not sure.  

   D. That's right.

3. 当别人问"How are you?"时,如何表示自己很好并询问对方?

   A. Fine, thanks. And you?  

   B. I'm bad, how about you?  

   C. I'm excellent, what about you?  

   D. Terrible, thank you.

4. "She is very well, thank you." 这句话中,“she”指的是谁?

   A. Myself  

   B. Your husband  

   C. Your wife  

   D. Amy

5. 以下哪个句子表示告别?

   A. See you tomorrow.  

   B. Come in, please.  

   C. It's time for class.  

   D. Open your books.

**二、填空题 (每空1分,共10分)**

6. 当你想要进入一个房间时,你应该说:“_______ I come in?”


7. 回答别人说“Good morning”时,你可以回应:“_______ _______!”


8. 要求同学打开书本并翻到某一页,你会说:“Open your books and turn to _________ ________.”


9. 如果你想告诉别人你必须离开,你会说:“I have to _________ _________ now.”


10. “Sit down, please.” 这句话是在_______场合使用的。


**三、对话模拟 (每题5分,共30分)**

11. 模拟一次简单的见面问候:

    A: _______________________

    B: _______________________

12. 模拟一个告别场景:

    A: _______________________

    B: _______________________

13. 对话中询问他人健康状况:

    A: _______________________

    B: _______________________

    A: _______________________

    B: _______________________

14. 进入教室前的对话:

    A: _______________________

    B: _______________________

15. 上课时老师对学生说的话:

    Teacher: _______________________

    Students: _______________________

**四、短文写作 (20分)**

以"Daily Greetings in English"为主题,写一篇不少于100字的短文,描述在英语中如何进行日常的问候和告别。




1. B. Hello!  

2. B. No, I'm not.  

3. A. Fine, thanks. And you?  

4. D. Amy  

5. A. See you tomorrow.  


6. May  

7. Good morning  

8. page twenty  

9. go away  

10. classroom  


11. A: Hello! / Hi!  

    B: Hello! / Hi!

12. A: Goodbye, Mike.  

    B: See you later.

13. A: How is your husband?  

    B: He is fine, thank you. And yours?  

    A: I'm doing great, thanks.

14. A: May I come in?  

    B: Come in, please.

15. Teacher: It's time for class.  

    Students: Yes, teacher.
