

1. 下列哪个句子正确使用了过去完成时?

   A) When I arrived at the cinema, the movie had started.

   B) I saw him playing soccer in the park yesterday.

   C) She reads a book every day.

   D) They will have finished the project by tomorrow.


2. 以下哪个句子中的过去完成时用来表示截止到过去某一时间的动作?

   A) By the time I woke up, the sun had risen.

   B) She eats breakfast at 7 am every morning.

   C) He saw the accident while driving to work.

   D) They are going to finish the project next week.


3. 选出与过去完成时连用的典型时间状语:

   A) yesterday, at 8 pm, by the end of this week

   B) in 1990, by the time you arrived, after the meeting

   C) by the end of last year, when she called, before the storm

   D) tomorrow, in two hours, during the weekend



4. 完成下列句子,使其使用过去完成时,并表示过去的过去:

   As soon as we _________ (arrive) at the station, the train ___________ (leave).

   **答案:arrived, had left**

5. 表示截止到去年年底已经完成的动作:

   By the end of last year, we ____________ (read) ten novels.

   **答案:had read**

6. 使用过去完成时和连词"before"构造一个句子:

   Before the party, she ____________ (prepare) all the food and drinks.

   **答案:had prepared**


7. 改正下列句子的错误,使其正确使用过去完成时:

   Incorrect: When I reached home, my parents were already slept.


   **答案:When I reached home, my parents had already slept.**

8. 改正下列句子的错误,使其正确使用过去完成时:

   Incorrect: By the time they came, I finish the report.


   **答案:By the time they came, I had finished the report.**




On my last vacation, I had planned to visit the Eiffel Tower early in the morning. By the time I woke up at 6 am, I had already packed my backpack with essentials. However, as soon as I stepped out of the hotel, it had started raining heavily. Despite the weather, I decided to continue, and by the time I arrived at the tower, I had been soaked through and through. The good news was that the long queue had dissipated, allowing me to climb to the top without waiting too long. This unexpected turn of events made my trip even more memorable.