

1. 下列哪个选项中的名词保持单复数形式不变?

   A. apples  

   B. books  

   C. sheep

   D. oranges  

答案:C. sheep

2. 缩略形式中,“I am”对应的正确形式是:

   A. I'm  

   B. Im  

   C. I'am  

   D. I'mm  

答案:A. I'm

3. 下列哪个冠词用于元音开头的单词前?

   A. a  

   B. an  

   C. the  

   D. / (不填)  

答案:B. an

4. "在圣诞节"的正确表达是:

   A. at Christmas  

   B. on Christmas  

   C. in Christmas  

   D. during Christmas  

答案:A. at Christmas

5. "在桌子旁边"用介词表示应为:

   A. on the table  

   B. in front of the table  

   C. next to the table  

   D. behind the table  

答案:C. next to the table

6. 下列哪个是基数词到序数词的正确转换?

   A. one - first  

   B. two - twelfth  

   C. twenty - twentyth  

   D. three - threeth

答案:A. one - first

7. "你有任何兄弟姐妹吗?"的正确英文表达是:

   A. Do you have some brothers or sisters?  

   B. Have you any brothers or sisters?  

   C. Do you have any brothers and sisters?  

   D. Do you have any brother or sister?  

答案:C. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

8. "我卧室里有一些玩具"的英文翻译是:

   A. I has some toys in my bedroom.  

   B. There are some toys in my bedroom.  

   C. I have some toys in my bedroom.  

   D. There's some toys in my bedroom.  

答案:C. I have some toys in my bedroom.

9. 下列哪个介词表示"在晚上"?

   A. at night  

   B. in night  

   C. on night  

   D. during night  

答案:A. at night

10. "九月十五日"的英文日期表达是:

    A. on September 15th  

    B. in September 15th  

    C. at September 15th  

    D. during September 15th  

答案:A. on September 15th


11. She _______ (is/are) going to the park.


12. You _______ (has/have) a great day!


13. It _______ (was/were) raining all day yesterday.


14. Who _______ (am/are/is) your best friend?


15. I can't _______ (go/goes) to the party tonight.



16. There's a apple on the table.

    答案:There's an apple on the table.

17. I'm at the cinema at 7pm.

    答案:I'm at the cinema at 7 o'clock.

18. He's doesn't like pizza.

    答案:He doesn't like pizza.

19. We have any milk left.

    答案:We don't have any milk left.

20. She live in New York.

    答案:She lives in New York.


21. 将"我在早餐时喝水"翻译成英文。

    答案:I drink water at breakfast.

22. 把"I'm sorry, I can't come."翻译成中文。


23. 将"他们在冬天喜欢滑雪"翻译成英文。

    答案:They like skiing in winter.

24. 把"在公园的前面有一个湖"翻译成英文。

    答案:There is a lake in front of the park.

25. 将"他有两个姐姐和一个弟弟"翻译成英文。

    答案:He has two sisters and a younger brother.