

1. Who is the narrator's _____________? (爷爷)

   A. grandfather

   B. brother

   C. father

   D. teacher

2. Which season is usually _____________? (炎热的)

   A. spring

   B. summer

   C. autumn

   D. winter

3. Alice is _____________ friend. (我的)

   A. I

   B. me

   C. my

   D. mine

4. "How old are you, _____________?" (丹尼)

   A. Danny

   B. Tom

   C. Eddie

   D. Ben

5. The _____________ teaches English in school. (男孩)

   A. pupil

   B. girl

   C. boy

   D. teacher

6. In _____________, it often snows. (冬天)

   A. spring

   B. summer

   C. autumn

   D. winter

7. "This is _____________ baby." (她的)

   A. her

   B. she

   C. his

   D. he

8. What number comes after _____________? (五)

   A. one

   B. four

   C. five

   D. six

9. The weather is _____________ and bright. (晴朗的)

   A. sunny

   B. rainy

   C. cloudy

   D. windy

10. "There are _____________ seasons in a year." (四个)

    A. one

    B. two

    C. three

    D. four


11. My _____________ (father) is a hard-working farmer.

12. _____________ (She) name is Kitty, and she loves playing with dolls.

13. In _____________ (autumn), the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees.

14. _____________ (We) favorite season is summer because we can go swimming.

15. Tom and Ben are good friends; they are always together like _____________ (brothers).


16. 将 "The baby is sleeping." 翻译成中文。

17. 将 "It's warm and sunny today." 翻译成中文。

18. 将 "I love to play football with my friends." 翻译成中文。


19. 请以 "A Day at School" 为主题,描述一个男孩在学校的一天,包括他的家人如何送他去学校,他在学校的活动,以及放学后的情景。要求至少使用上述词汇中的10个。




1. A. grandfather

2. B. summer

3. C. my

4. A. Danny

5. C. boy

6. D. winter

7. A. her

8. D. six

9. A. sunny

10. D. four


11. father

12. Her

13. autumn

14. Our

15. brothers


16. 宝宝正在睡觉。

17. 今天天气温暖且晴朗。

18. 我喜欢和朋友们一起踢足球。

