**英语语法测试 - 句法**


1. 下列哪个句子是肯定句?

   A) I'm not a teacher.

   B) She isn't a nurse.

   C) He works in an office.

   D) There aren't five chairs in the room.


2. 以下哪个句子是特殊疑问句?

   A) Are you a musician?

   B) Do you like pizza?

   C) Who is playing the piano?

   D) No, I don't like tea.


3. 在There be句型中,如果主语是复数,be动词应使用:

   A) is

   B) am

   C) are

   D) be


4. 下列哪个句子正确地使用了There be句型?

   A) There is two cats on the mat.

   B) There are a dog and a cat under the tree.

   C) There be a book and two pencils on the desk.

   D) There are books on the table.


5. 关于some和any的使用,以下哪项是正确的?

   A) Some用于否定句,any用于肯定句。

   B) Some用于疑问句,any用于肯定句。

   C) Some用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑问句。

   D) Some和any在所有句型中都可以互换。



6. 将下面的句子变成否定句:

   "She will go to the park tomorrow."


   **答案:She will not (won't) go to the park tomorrow.**

7. 写出一个以"What"开头的一般疑问句:


   **答案:What time is it?**

8. 将"There are three apples on the table."变成疑问句:


   **答案:Are there three apples on the table?**

9. 使用"How many"提问数量,完成句子:

   How many \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are there in your family?


10. 使用"What"提问主语,完成句子:

    What \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is singing in the garden?



11. 改写句子"I have two brothers."为There be句型:


    **答案:There are two brothers.**

12. 改写句子"There isn't any water in the bottle."为肯定句:


    **答案:There is no water in the bottle.**


13. 请写出一个使用特殊疑问词"Where"的特殊疑问句,并给出相应的回答。


   Question: Where is the nearest library?

   Answer: The nearest library is on 5th Avenue, just two blocks down from here.

14. 请将"There are seven students in the classroom."改为否定句,并给出相应的回答。


   Negative Sentence: There aren't seven students in the classroom.

   Response: Yes, there are only five students in the classroom.