

1. 下列哪个句子使用了一般现在时?

   A. I played football yesterday.

   B. She is cooking dinner now.

   C. They will visit Paris next summer.

   D. He studies Spanish every day.

答案: D

2. 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词"run"的一般现在时形式是什么?

   A. runs

   B. runned

   C. running

   D. run's

答案: A

3. 以下哪个动词的过去式属于规则变化?

   A. play - played

   B. stay - stayed

   C. go - goed

   D. fly - flied

答案: A

4. "He usually __________ TV in the evening." 填空正确的是:

   A. watch

   B. watches

   C. watched

   D. is watching

答案: B

5. "She _____________ her keys in the car yesterday." 填空正确的是:

   A. leave

   B. leaves

   C. left

   D. leaving

答案: C

6. 以下哪个表达表示一般将来时?

   A. I am going to study abroad.

   B. I studied abroad last year.

   C. I have studied abroad.

   D. I study abroad every summer.

答案: A

7. "They ____________ the movie when we arrive." 填空正确的是:

   A. will be watching

   B. watched

   C. are watching

   D. have watched

答案: A

8. "The children _____________ in the park." 填空正确的是:

   A. play

   B. playing

   C. are playing

   D. plays

答案: C


9. My brother ____________ (like) playing basketball on weekends.

答案: likes

10. She ____________ (not go) to school yesterday because she was sick.

答案: didn't go

11. The dog is ____________ (sleep) under the tree right now.

答案: sleeping

12. They ____________ (be) friends since primary school.

答案: have been

13. The train ____________ (arrive) at 9 AM tomorrow.

答案: will arrive


14. I am doing my homeworks. 

   正确答案: I am doing my homework.

15. He goed to the gym every morning.

   正确答案: He goes to the gym every morning.

16. She studys English after school.

   正确答案: She studies English after school.

17. They played football and then have dinner.

   正确答案: They played football and then had dinner.

18. The cat is sleep.

   正确答案: The cat is sleeping.


19. 将"I am studying for my exam." 翻译成中文。

   答案: 我正在为我的考试复习。

20. 将"She will travel to Japan next month." 翻译成中文。

   答案: 她下个月将去日本旅行。