介词的使用——in, on, at**


1. 填入正确的介词:

   "I usually wake up _______ 6:00 AM."

   A. at  

   B. on  

   C. in  

   D. behind

2. 下列哪个表达是正确的?

   A. "She arrived _______ Christmas Day."  

   B. "She arrived _______ Christmas."  

   C. "She arrived _______ the Christmas."  

   D. "She arrived _______ during Christmas."

3. 哪个介词用于表示具体的日期?

   A. at  

   B. on  

   C. in  

   D. behind

4. 哪个句子正确地描述了到达城市时的行为?

   A. "On reach the city, he called up his parents."

   B. "On reaching the city, he called up his parents."

   C. "In reach of the city, he called up his parents."

   D. "In reaching the city, he called up his parents."


1. 描述在20世纪80年代的生活,你会说:"Life was different _______ the 1980s."

2. 当你想表达“在周末我经常去公园”,你可以这样表达:"I often go to the park _______ weekends."


1. 解释为什么我们通常用"in"来表示一段时间,如"在1988年",而用"at"来表示具体的时间点,如"在一点钟"。

2. 分析并比较以下两个短语的含义:"at the weekend"和"during the weekend"。它们在使用上有何不同?






1. A. at  

2. B. "She arrived on Christmas."  

3. B. on  

4. B. "On reaching the city, he called up his parents."


1. "Life was different in the 1980s."

2. "I often go to the park on weekends."


1. "In"用来表示一段时间,比如年份、月份或世纪,它强调的是在这个时间段内的整体经历。而"at"则用于表示时间的精确点,如小时、分钟或特定时刻,它强调的是事件发生的瞬间。

2. "At the weekend"特指具体的某个周末,通常用于计划或安排的活动。而"during the weekend"则更强调在周末整个期间,涵盖从周五晚上到周日的连续时间段。

