

1. There is ____ apple on the table.

2. My father is ____ engineer.

3. Can you give me ____ example of how to use this word?

4. She's reading ____ interesting book.

5. Tomorrow, we'll have ____ art lesson.


6. The dog under the tree is ____ pet.

7. I saw ____ movie called "Avengers" last weekend.

8. February ____ twenty-eighth is my sister's birthday.

9. We always have breakfast at ____ table.

10. In ____ morning, I like to go for a walk.


11. Which is correct?

   A. I'm going to play piano.

   B. I'm going to play the piano.

12. Which is correct?

   A. We have math class.

   B. We have the math class.

13. Which is correct?

   A. These are teacher.

   B. These are teachers.

14. Which is correct?

   A. I visited China on Spring.

   B. I visited China in Spring.

15. Which is correct?

   A. Let's play football.

   B. Let's play the football.


16. _____ ruler is blue, but _____ pencil is red.

17. Today is _____ sunny day. Let's go to the park.

18. _____ Smiths are going on vacation next week.

19. We will meet at _____ station at 9 am.

20. She is learning _____ Chinese language.


21. Explain why "the" is used in the sentence: "The sun rises in the east."

22. Explain why "an" is used in the sentence: "It's an honor to meet you."


Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate articles (a/an/the).

There is ____ boy named Tom. He lives in ____ small town. Tom loves playing ____ guitar and dreams of becoming ____ musician one day. His favorite time of day is ____ morning when he practices before school. On weekends, he enjoys going to ____ park to play with his friends. Last year, he won ____ prize in ____ school talent show for his amazing performance.


1. an

2. an

3. an

4. an

5. an

6. the

7. the

8. the

9. the

10. the

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. A

16. The, the

17. a

18. The

19. the

20. the

21. "The" is used because it refers to the specific, known fact that the sun rises in a particular direction.

22. "An" is used because "honor" starts with a vowel sound, and it is used to introduce a new, singular, non-specific person or thing.