

1. **选择题**

   1.1 下列哪个句子使用了现在进行时?

      A) I am eating breakfast.  

      B) I ate breakfast.

      C) I will eat breakfast.

      D) I have eaten breakfast.

   1.2 将现在进行时的句子改为一般疑问句:

      "She is reading a book."

      A) Is she reading a book?

      B) Does she read a book?

      C) Has she read a book?

      D) Will she read a book?

   1.3 如何表达否定形式的现在进行时?

      A) I not am playing tennis.

      B) I am not playing tennis.

      C) I don't play tennis.

      D) I doesn't play tennis.


2. **填空题**

   2.1 What's _________ name? (询问对方的名字)

   2.2 How _________ you? (问候对方的健康状况)

   2.3 Who's _________ teacher? (询问某人的老师是谁)

   2.4 Whose _________ is this? (询问物品的所有者)

   2.5 Where's _________ library? (询问图书馆的位置)

   2.6 Which _________ do you like? (询问喜欢哪一个)


3. **改写句子**

   3.1 Write the third person singular present tense form of "watch" in the sentence: She _________ TV every evening.

   3.2 Change "stop" to its third person singular present tense: He _________ at the red light.

   3.3 Convert "study" to its third person singular present tense: The child _________ every day.

   3.4 Write the third person singular present tense of "play" with an "o" at the end: The dog _________ with a ball.

**部分四:“be going to”的用法**

4. **完成句子**

   4.1 I'm _________ the cinema tonight. (表示计划)

   4.2 It's snowing heavily; they _________ have a snowball fight. (表示可能性)

   4.3 Are you _________ meet me later? (疑问句形式)

   4.4 She _________ not go to the party. (否定句形式)

   4.5 He _________ catch the train if he leaves now. (使用进行时表示将来)



1.1 A) I am eating breakfast.

1.2 A) Is she reading a book?

1.3 B) I am not playing tennis.


2.1 your

2.2 are

2.3 your

2.4 book

2.5 the

2.6 one


3.1 watches

3.2 stops

3.3 studies

3.4 plays


4.1 going to

4.2 are going to

4.3 going to

4.4 is not going to

4.5 is going to

**注意:** 这是一份基础英语语法测试,旨在检验考生对现在进行时、特殊疑问句、动词三单现在式以及"be going to"的用法的理解和应用。请根据题目要求正确填写或选择答案。