
"Get down to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意指开始着手做某事,或认真专注地处理某项任务。这个表达强调了从准备阶段过渡到实际行动,或者从分心的状态转变为集中精力的状态。




1. After the morning coffee break, we all got down to working on the project.


2. It's high time we got down to studying for the exams; there's no more time to waste.


3. The manager asked us to get down to discussing the budget proposal without further delay.


4. She finally got down to writing her novel after years of just thinking about it.


5. Before the meeting, we need to get down to preparing the presentation materials.



1. **Start doing sth.** - 这个短语也表示开始做某事,但并不强调从分心到专注的转变,只是简单地说明开始行动。

   例句:I've decided to start exercising regularly from tomorrow.


2. **Dive into sth.** - 意味着全力以赴地投入到某项任务中,常常暗示对工作的热情和专注。

   例句:He dove into his work as soon as he entered the office.


3. **Settle down to sth.** - 与"get down to doing sth."相似,意味着安下心来,专注于某项任务。

   例句:After the initial excitement, they settled down to the serious business of planning their wedding.


4. **Get on with sth.** - 表示继续或开始某项任务,通常用于已经启动但可能被中断的工作。

   例句: Now that we have discussed the plan, let's get on with implementing it.


每个短语都有其特定的语境和情感色彩,选择使用哪一个取决于具体情境和你想要传达的信息。"Get down to doing sth." 更侧重于从不专注到专注的转变,强调开始认真处理事情的决心。