
"Be limited to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意为“被限制在做某事的范围内”,表示某人或某事物只能执行或涉及特定的活动或行为,不能超出这个范围。这个短语强调了行动或能力的局限性。


1. Our budget is limited to spending only on essential items this month. (我们的预算仅限于购买必需品。)

2. The children's playtime should be limited to playing in the garden only, not inside the house. (孩子们的游戏时间应仅限于在花园里,不能在屋内。)

3. The study was limited to analyzing data from the past five years, not including more recent information. (这项研究仅限于分析过去五年的数据,不包括更近期的信息。)


1. **Restricted to**: 这个短语与 "limited to" 意思相近,都强调了某种范围的约束。例如:“The access to the area is restricted to authorized personnel only.” (该区域的进入仅限于授权人员。)

2. **Confined to**: 这个短语意味着完全局限于某个空间或情况,比 "limited to" 更具有一种封闭或囚禁的意味。例如:“The patient is confined to bed due to illness.” (病人因病卧床不起。)

3. **Constrained to**: 这个短语暗示了一种被迫的限制,通常与个人意愿或选择无关。例如:“Due to time constraints, we were constrained to present only the key findings.” (由于时间限制,我们只能展示关键发现。)

4. **Limited by**: 而 "limited by" 强调了是什么因素导致了限制,如:“Her progress in learning was limited by her poor health.” (她学习的进步受到健康状况不佳的限制。)


在写作中,"be limited to doing sth." 可以用来表达各种场景下的限制,比如资源、时间、能力或法规等。例如:

- The company's expansion plans are currently limited to opening new branches within the domestic market. (公司的扩张计划目前仅限于在国内开设新分店。)

- The experiment's results, though intriguing, are limited to the conditions under which they were conducted. (实验的结果虽然引人入胜,但仅限于实验进行时的条件。)

- Her communication skills, though adequate, are sometimes limited to written exchanges, making public speaking a challenge. (她的沟通技巧虽然足够,但有时仅限于书面交流,使得公开演讲成为一项挑战。)
