**释义:** "Be reduced to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意为“被迫做某事”,“沦落到不得不做某事”的地步,通常带有无奈、悲哀或者困境中的妥协的意味。这个短语强调了个人在特定情况下,由于外部压力或内部条件的限制,不得不从事原本不愿意或不希望做的事情。


1. 这个短语通常用在消极的情境中,表达一种被迫采取行动的情况。

2. 动名词(动词ing形式)在短语中起着关键的作用,它描述了被迫进行的具体行为。

3. 可以用于叙述故事、描述个人经历或者表达观点。


1. After losing his job, he was reduced to begging on the streets for food. (失业后,他只能靠在街上乞讨食物为生。)

2. Due to the harsh winter, the once prosperous farmer found himself reduced to scavenging for firewood. (由于严冬,这位曾经富有的农民发现自己只能四处搜集柴火。)

3. She never thought she'd be reduced to stealing to make ends meet. (她从没想过自己会沦落到偷窃来维持生活。)


1. "Compelled to do sth." - 强迫去做某事,强调外在力量的强制性。

   例句:The law compelled him to pay taxes, even though he didn't want to. (法律迫使他必须缴税,尽管他不愿意。)

2. "Forced into doing sth." - 被迫进入做某事的状态,含有被逼无奈的意味。

   例句:She was forced into taking a second job to pay off her debts. (她被迫找了一份兼职工作来还债。)

3. "Driven to do sth." - 由于强烈的情感或需要而去做某事,可能源于内在驱动力。

   例句:Desperate, he was driven to take extreme measures to save his family. (出于绝望,他被迫采取极端措施来拯救他的家庭。)

4. "End up doing sth." - 最终做某事,可能带有意外或不情愿的成分。

   例句:Despite their best efforts, they ended up selling their house to settle the debt. (尽管他们尽了最大努力,但最终还是不得不卖掉房子来偿还债务。)

这些短语虽然在某些情境下可以互换使用,但每一种都有其独特的语境和情感色彩。"Be reduced to doing sth." 更侧重于表达一种无奈和被迫接受的境况。理解这些细微差别可以帮助我们更准确地传达我们的想法和情感。