**“Be Opposed To Doing Sth.” 句型解释**

"Be opposed to doing sth." 是一个英语表达,用于表示对某个行为或行动持否定态度,即反对或不赞成。这个短语的核心在于“opposed”,它源自拉丁语 "ob-ponere",意为“放置在...对面”,引申出“对抗”、“反对”的含义。"To doing sth." 是动名词形式,表示具体的行动或行为。


1. **基本用法**:主语 + be + opposed to + 动名词

   例如:She is opposed to eating junk food.


2. **否定形式**:主语 + is/are not + opposed to + 动名词

   例如:They are not opposed to discussing the issue further.


3. **疑问形式**:Is/Are + 主语 + opposed to + 动名词?

   例如:Are you opposed to going on a picnic this weekend?


4. **强调形式**:It is + 形容词(如:clear, evident)+ that + 主语 + be + opposed to + 动名词

   例如:It is evident that he is opposed to changing the policy.



1. The majority of parents are opposed to allowing children to play video games for hours. 


2. The environmentalists are strongly opposed to building a new highway through the forest.


3. Despite her initial reluctance, she's no longer opposed to taking online courses.


4. Some politicians are openly opposed to increasing taxes for the wealthy.



1. **Against** - 表示直接的对立,常常与"be opposed to"互换使用。

   例如:I am against spending so much money on luxury items.


2. **Disapprove of** - 强调不赞同或不批准,通常针对某人的行为或决定。

   例如:My parents disapprove of my decision to drop out of college.


3. **Object to** - 对某事表示异议或反对,通常是因为它可能带来的不利影响。

   例如:The residents objected to the construction of a new factory near their homes.


4. **Protest against** - 具有更强的行动性,通常涉及公开表达不满或抵制。

   例如:There was a protest against the government's new immigration policy.


虽然这些表达都有反对的意思,但它们在语气和情境中略有不同。"Be opposed to doing sth." 更加正式,常用于书面语和正式场合,而其他选项则可能在口语或非正式场合更为常见。选择哪种表达取决于具体语境和想要传达的语气强度。