**"Be used to doing sth." 习惯于做某事**

"Be used to doing sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,表示一个人已经适应了某种行为或状态,并且通常在日常生活中经常执行这个动作。这个短语强调的是习惯性的过程,即随着时间的推移,人们逐渐习惯了某个行为。


"Be used to doing sth." 表示“习惯于,对...感到习惯”,其中 "used to" 是动词短语,"doing sth." 是动名词形式,表示具体的动作或行为。这个短语强调的是一个从不熟悉到熟悉,从陌生到习惯的过程。


1. 主语 + be (am/is/are) used to + 动名词

2. 当主语是第三人称单数时,be动词用is。

3. "Used to" 这个短语也可以与动词原形搭配,表示过去常常做某事,但现在不做了,例如:"He used to smoke, but he quit last year."


1. After living in New York for five years, I am used to the fast-paced lifestyle. (在纽约生活了五年后,我已经习惯了快节奏的生活方式。)

2. She is used to getting up early for work, so she never feels groggy in the morning. (她习惯了早起上班,所以早上从来不觉得困倦。)

3. As a child, he wasn't used to eating spicy food, but now he can handle even the hottest curry. (小时候他不习惯吃辣,但现在他甚至能吃最辣的咖喱。)


1. "Accustomed to":与 "used to" 同义,表示习惯于。例如:"She's accustomed to working long hours." (她习惯于长时间工作。)

2. "Get used to":表示逐渐习惯。例如:"It took me a while to get used to the new job." (我花了一段时间才适应新工作。)

3. "Be familiar with":虽然也与习惯有关,但更侧重于对事物的了解和认识,而不是行为的持续性。例如:"I'm familiar with the software, so I can help you." (我对这个软件很熟悉,所以我可以帮你。)


1. Used to do sth. (过去常常做某事,但现在不做了):例如:"He used to play football every weekend." (他以前每个周末都踢足球。)

2. Be/get accustomed to doing sth. (习惯于做某事):例如:"They are gradually getting accustomed to the new routine." (他们正在逐渐习惯新的作息。)

总结,"Be used to doing sth." 是表达习惯性的行为或状态的有力工具,与 "accustomed to" 和 "get used to" 等短语有相似含义,但在具体语境中可能略有差异。理解并熟练运用这些短语,可以帮助我们更准确地表达我们的思想和感受。