
"Be equal to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,其基本含义是“能够胜任或足以应对某项任务或情况”。这个短语强调的是能力和匹配度,表明某人或某事物有足够的资格或能力来完成特定的事情。它也可以用来表达面对挑战时的勇气和决心。


1. 当表示“能够胜任”时,通常用于描述人的能力和才华。例如:

   - "She is equal to the task of managing the project."(她能够胜任这个项目的管理工作。)

   - "He proved himself equal to the challenge of running a marathon."(他证明了自己能够胜任跑马拉松的挑战。)

2. 在描述事物的性能或质量足以满足特定需求时,也可以使用此短语。例如:

   - "This software is equal to handling the complex data analysis."(这款软件足以处理复杂的数据分析。)

   - "The new model of car is equal to the demands of extreme driving conditions."(这款新车模型足以应对极端驾驶条件的要求。)


1. After years of training, he felt himself finally equal to leading the orchestra.(经过多年的训练,他觉得自己终于能够胜任指挥乐团的工作。)

2. The young intern showed that she was equal to the pressure of working in a high-stress environment.(这位年轻的实习生证明了她能够胜任在高压环境下工作。)

3. The new employee proved to be more than equal to the demanding job, exceeding everyone's expectations.(新员工表现得远超预期,完全能够胜任这份要求极高的工作。)

4. The small company demonstrated it was equal to competing with industry giants by launching innovative products.(这家小公司通过推出创新产品,证明了它足以与行业巨头竞争。)


- "Be capable of doing sth.":也表示有能力做某事,但更侧重于天生的能力或潜力,不涉及具体情境。

   - "She is capable of solving complex problems."(她有能力解决复杂的问题。)

- "Be competent to do sth.":强调符合标准或具备足够的技能来执行某项任务。

   - "He is competent to teach at a university level."(他有资格在大学任教。)

- "Be up to doing sth.":通常用于口语中,表示能够承担或处理某事,有时带有“应付得来”的意味。

   - "Are you up to finishing this report tonight?"(你今晚能搞定这份报告吗?)

- "Have what it takes to do sth.":强调具备成功所需的所有必要条件。

   - "She has what it takes to become a top athlete."(她具备成为顶级运动员所需的素质。)
