**"Set one's mind to doing sth."** 这个短语在英语中是一个表达决心或决定做某事的固定搭配,它强调了坚定的决心和专注的意志。当我们说 "set one's mind to doing something",我们指的是一个人已经下定决心,准备全力以赴地去做一件事情,不论这个过程中可能遇到的困难或挑战。


"Set" 在这里并不表示设置一个物体,而是指设定或确定一种心态或意图。"Mind" 是指思考或意识,而 "to doing sth." 是一个不定式短语,表示具体的行动或目标。因此,整个短语的意思是“决心做某事”或“决定要完成某项任务”。




1. *After years of procrastination, he finally set his mind to learning French and started taking lessons every day.*


2. *She set her mind to losing weight and adopted a strict diet and exercise routine.*


3. *Knowing the importance of saving, they set their minds to saving 20% of their income each month.*


4. *Despite the challenges, he set his mind to climbing Mount Everest, and after months of training, he achieved his goal.*



1. **Determine to do sth.:** 这个短语也表示决定或决心做某事,但语气可能更强烈,暗示做出决定后会立即采取行动。

   例:*He determined to quit smoking and hasn't had a cigarette since.*

2. **Decide on/upon doing sth.:** 这个短语强调的是选择或决定某项行动,可能包括考虑各种可能性后的决策过程。

   例:*They decided upon adopting a pet after much discussion.*

3. **Make up one's mind to do sth.:** 这个短语与 "set one's mind to doing sth." 相似,强调的是下定决心,但更侧重于结束犹豫不决的过程。

   例:*She finally made up her mind to change careers.*

4. **Resolve to do sth.:** 这个短语含有承诺和坚定的决心,常用于正式或庄重的场合。

   例:*The team resolved to work harder and improve their performance.*
