
“Give one's mind to doing sth.” 是一个英语短语,意指全神贯注、专心致志于做某件事情。这个表达强调的是在执行任务或处理问题时的专注和投入,暗示了将全部注意力和精力都集中在特定的活动上。




1. After the exam, he gave his mind to studying for the medical entrance test, leaving all other distractions behind.


2. She decided to give her mind to painting, dedicating every waking hour to honing her skills.


3. Before the project deadline, the team gave their minds to completing the task, working day and night.


4. He gave his mind to learning Chinese, immersing himself in the language and culture.


5. The scientist gave her mind to solving the complex mathematical problem, spending countless hours in her lab.



1. **Devote oneself to doing sth.** - 表示献身于或致力于某事,强调的是一种持久的承诺和奉献。例如:“He devoted himself to teaching, inspiring generations of students.”(他投身于教育,激励了一代又一代的学生。)

2. **Concentrate on doing sth.** - 强调集中注意力,但不一定要持续很长时间。例如:“Before the game, the athletes concentrate on their warm-up exercises.”(比赛前,运动员们专注于热身运动。)

3. **Dedicate oneself to doing sth.** - 这个短语与"devote oneself to"相似,但更侧重于将时间和精力完全投入到某项活动中。例如:“She dedicated herself to researching climate change and its impact on agriculture.”(她致力于研究气候变化及其对农业的影响。)

4. **Apply oneself to doing sth.** - 指将努力和注意力应用到某事上,通常用于描述临时性的专注。例如:“He applied himself to mastering the new software for his job.”(他努力学习新软件以适应工作需求。)

5. **Focus on doing sth.** - 强调排除干扰,将注意力集中在一件事上。例如:“In order to write effectively, you need to focus on the main idea.”(为了有效写作,你需要专注于主要观点。)
