**Devote Oneself to Doing Sth. - 献身于做某事**


"Devote oneself to doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意指全力以赴、全心全意地投入到某项活动或事业中。这个短语强调了个人的承诺、专注和献身精神,通常用于描述对某件事情的执着热爱或重大责任。


在句子中,"devote oneself to doing sth." 通常作为动词短语使用,后面接动名词(动词ing形式)来表示具体的行动或目标。例如:

1. She devoted herself to studying medicine, eventually becoming a renowned surgeon. (她投身于医学学习,最终成为了一位知名的外科医生。)

2. He devotes himself to helping underprivileged children, dedicating his time and resources. (他致力于帮助贫困儿童,投入时间和资源。)


1. **Dedicate oneself to doing sth.** - 这个短语与 "devote oneself to doing sth." 意思相近,都强调了全身心的投入。例如:"She dedicated herself to improving her public speaking skills." (她致力于提高自己的公众演讲能力。)

2. **Commit oneself to doing sth.** - 这个短语更侧重于做出决定并承担起责任。例如:"He committed himself to completing the project on time, no matter what challenges arose." (他承诺无论遇到什么困难都要按时完成项目。)

3. **Give oneself over to doing sth.** - 这个表达强调完全放弃其他事物,将全部精力都放在某事上。例如:"After retirement, he gave himself over to gardening, finding peace in nurturing plants." (退休后,他全身心地投入到园艺中,从照料植物中找到了平静。)

4. **Be obsessed with doing sth.** - 虽然这个短语也描述了对某事的极度关注,但有时带有一种过于沉迷或无法自拔的负面含义。例如:"He was obsessed with solving the mystery, neglecting his personal life." (他对解开谜团着迷,忽视了自己的个人生活。)

5. **Concentrate on doing sth.** / **Focus on doing sth.** - 这两个短语更侧重于集中注意力或精力在某事上,不一定涉及长期的承诺或献身。例如:"Before the exam, she concentrated/focused on reviewing her notes to prepare thoroughly." (考试前,她专心复习笔记以充分准备。)


"Devote oneself to doing sth." 是一个表达强烈投入和献身精神的短语,可以替换为其他类似表达,如 "dedicate oneself to", "commit oneself to", "give oneself over to" 等,根据具体情境选择合适的用法。然而,它与 "be obsessed with" 或 "concentrate on" 等短语在情感色彩和语境上有所不同,后者可能不包含献身的含义,或者不涉及长期的承诺。